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OpenGl problem


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hey everybody im having a minor problem which i hope someone can plz help me with. when i try to play the game it says:


GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem


It worked for me when i had windows ME but then i installed windows XP and then it gave me thsi error. and i know im prolly like the millionth one to post a error like this im sorry but i really need help.

plz someone help me! thank you

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system specs would help... I'd also suggest posting in the tech help forums, you'll get more response there. But I'll still try to help... tell us your:



VIDEO CARD <- sounds like your problem


I'd say you just need to update your drivers for your video card if you're only having problems w/ it in XP. Check your video card's website for the newest drivers. Upgrading to Direct X 9.0b isn't a bad call, either.

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