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I Want Next Star Wars Game To Be Like SPLINTER CELL!!!!!


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If the next game is anything like JA or JO, then they will not use Doom 3. Doom 3 has too many details for cards to handle with more than 3 or so monsters in the room. I would LOVE it if they used the source engine(half life 2), just think about gripping objects and throwing them at people and stuff like that. Don't forget the AI either, man that would be SO cool.


As for graphics, what are you talking about? This game looks great to me, plays well and doesn't lag. I don't see what people mean when they say JO or JA look bad, they both look great IMO. I would much rather have bigger enviroments than have a more detailed face. Heck, the faces in JA are a little over-done too. The only thing I thought looked bad in JA SP was that fat guy, the one with the blue jacket.

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Originally posted by babywax

As for graphics, what are you talking about? This game looks great to me, plays well and doesn't lag. I don't see what people mean when they say JO or JA look bad, they both look great IMO. I would much rather have bigger enviroments than have a more detailed face. Heck, the faces in JA are a little over-done too. The only thing I thought looked bad in JA SP was that fat guy, the one with the blue jacket.


Yes, the game runs great (I have it set at max everything and 1600x1200 and it run smooth as a baby's bottom even with a large number of people on the screen)... but face it, it just looks, well, ok. Compared to games based on the newer Unreal engine like Splinter Cell, JA is showing its age. Oh I like JA just fine but please, the graphics are just ok. The people, the huge environments and particularly the way you can use light and shadows in Unreal look better. A lot better. :amidala:

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Originally posted by babywax

If the next game is anything like JA or JO, then they will not use Doom 3. Doom 3 has too many details for cards to handle with more than 3 or so monsters in the room. I would LOVE it if they used the source engine(half life 2), just think about gripping objects and throwing them at people and stuff like that. Don't forget the AI either, man that would be SO cool.


As for graphics, what are you talking about? This game looks great to me, plays well and doesn't lag. I don't see what people mean when they say JO or JA look bad, they both look great IMO. I would much rather have bigger enviroments than have a more detailed face. Heck, the faces in JA are a little over-done too. The only thing I thought looked bad in JA SP was that fat guy, the one with the blue jacket.



I agree the source engine would be great. But Raven is already using the Doom 3 engine for Quake 4. And they have used id engines since Heretic.


If the next game is on a new engine it will be at least 2 or 3 years

from now. And by then a 9800 will be a $50 card.


The biggest problem with the Doom 3 engine would be that the max online players are 4.


Dont get me wrong I love this game but compared to Elite Force 2 and Call of Duty(both run great btw) the graphics (world and character detail)arent that good. In EF2 Captain Picard looks just like the real actor(dont know his name) Luke in JA and JO doesnt look much like Mark Hammil at all.

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Splinter cell, etc. style games?



I hate 'em.



Last time I installed one it frigging screwed up my computer until today, and I have way to much usefull stuff and I am way to lazy to reformat it.


(it was mgs)



To tell the truth, the game might be good in concept but it will suck major time when made out unless they will make it REALLY innovative, which I highly doubt seeing how many good games come out today.


Think, what new stuff will you get? Instead of using guns you will use a Lightsaber (just do high mele damage with no really fun control of the combat) and force powers at range. The game could rock as a sneak game due to the concept of the Jedi/Sith but for people who like action/role playing, etc. the game will be to annoying and boring.


But that is just my opinion, many people might like it, altough I dont see ANYTHING good in another clone of Splinter Cell, MGS, etc. with emphasis on melee and "magical powers" a.k.a. the force.


Altough if they implement FULL control of your light saber and make sure that your force gives you exellent and fun to use powers I might consider this game.


Rant Over. *off to slaughter some reborn/Disciples of Ragnos...

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I do not really understand what Qaz is talking about at all. His software problems are irrelevant to the discussion as all programs can produce them, not just 'Splinter Cell like games' (SC, like JA, runs just fine on my computer). What I, and I suspect the other people who have praised Splinter Cell, would like is a game *just like JA*, same force powers, same combat system...


but with better graphics (i.e. like Splinter Cell)...


a good properly implemented stealth system so you have the *option* of creeping (like Splinter Cell) if you want to or if it makes tactical sense...


and better, more realistic control of movement such as the ability to pull your self up on boxes, shimmy along ledges, crawl along pipes, see your character go up and down ladders believably, etc (like Splinter Cell)...


and it would be nice if you didn't have to kill EVERYONE you meet 99% of the time and actually had to interact with a few people within the context of a story!


But unlike Splinter Cell, JA at least has some illusion of non-linearity which I rather like.

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Very well said sith_chick!What you said is perfect description of what I would like to see in a star wars game.I mean lets face it not everyone would like this concept but lets face it how many games have been made where everyone in the world would own a copy.none! people buy games to suit there individual style and taste!I personally would like to see this concept done in a star wars game and it doesn't have to have multiplayer as long as the game lets you decide on what to do like you can in deus ex.That wat the replayability of such a game would last a long time. thanks crazy-j:lsduel:

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