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I got the demo, but I suck! Help me!


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I got the demo in about an hour (I used flash get which can be found at http://www.flashget.com). I played the one disappointing single player mission (I wanted to build a base!) and then tried my luck at the multiplayer. I soon learned that I am horrible at multiplayer. I had the AoEII demo and the AoK demo but I was never really that good. I always have the scores displayed and right from the beginning its a close game but it quickly gets to an all out blowout. Everybody else gets to tech lvl 2 and 3 WAY faster than I can and have scores WAY higher than me. Can somebody help me out and give me some tips? I would really appreciate it.

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Guest dr_death

how do i do multiplayer, i need to build a base too!!!

gamezone dosent work!

p.s i carnt wait to see darth vader vs luke, i am going to set that up on skirmish when i get the game!!!

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Originally posted by HeroFromHyrule

I got the demo in about an hour (I used flash get which can be found at http://www.flashget.com). I played the one disappointing single player mission (I wanted to build a base!) and then tried my luck at the multiplayer. I soon learned that I am horrible at multiplayer. I had the AoEII demo and the AoK demo but I was never really that good. I always have the scores displayed and right from the beginning its a close game but it quickly gets to an all out blowout. Everybody else gets to tech lvl 2 and 3 WAY faster than I can and have scores WAY higher than me. Can somebody help me out and give me some tips? I would really appreciate it.

Well if your looking for someone you can beat, look no further! :)

As for having trouble playing multiplayer, have you tried playing over Ip's? Thats the way I prefer especially since the Zone can get a little packed :)

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Guest Yossarian

Keep the command center producing workers nonstop. This means you need a steady supply of food coming in, and enough houses so you can keep producing. Check out mrfixitonline.com for good AoK openings which can be applied to a certain extent to this game. You need to work on getting a good economy so you can turn that into a good military.

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Here's my tips.


First of all, you need more droids than you have. I don't know how many you have, but you probably need more. A lot of newbies think that you can make it through a game with about 10 of em. It's impossible that way.


However, the best advice is play against someone who you know will murder you. Make sure the game is recorded. Afterwords, replay the recording, and see what he does right. Try to mimic what he does and get better that way. I learned AoK with that method.

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i second that thought, onlyone. record your games, notice what the other guy does, and note the time that he does it in (very important). don't be afraid of building too many workers, b/c if someone pulls a rush on you and you happen to defend it but lose all your troops in the process, you may not have enough resources to build a second company.


i would record a few games to get the general idea, and when the real game comes out, record games from different terrains i.e. in an area dominated by water, you may learn how to use fishing boats to gather up fish for food as another source.


also, if you notice imbalance among your resources, such as too much carbon and very few food, get some workers who were harvesting to carbon (trees, etc) to work on harvesting food.....

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