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Want to help me polish up JA?


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Originally posted by razorace

Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to simply create new campaigns/maps instead of pimping up the old ones?


I sort of agree, but only because of the amount of work it would probably take to do this sort of thing. You can decompile BSPs with Q3Map2, but they're going to be in shambles. It would take a really long time to clean them up, especially since Raven supposedly used a lot of ASE models, which I doubt translate back into brushes very well.


You can redo the levels, but... I think that's overkill just to get some NPCs.

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I agree, the only feasible thing to do would be to make some nice little improvemts to existing JA levels. Like NPC's sounds, some additions, etc. -This is so that if might actually get done. I would love to do a full blown mod, but lets face it, it's not gonna get done. Also in this thread, it's nice to hear all the ideas that we come up with for our "dream" jedi game, so keep those coming too.


Speaking of getting it done, does anyone wanna start by figuring out how to add NPCs? Lets "light this candle!"


EF2? I hate to knock my own game, but the problem with the MP is the lack of really destructive and good-feeling weapons. They are, by requirement, Star Trek weapons. So they end up not being as satisfying as other QIII MP games. That's why I think that there is a lack of MP community. Otherwise there are some fun game modes. I really enjoyed it when we tested Power Struggle, and the class-based MP modes.

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to add npc's into sp (if you want to get the npc from npc spawn)

here is how you do it in assets1.pk3 there is a folder called ext_data thn go into npcs you will see .npc files (these contain the stats of the character you want to spawn) here is an example which i used to create jerec




playerModel jerec

rank commander

saber single_4

saberColor red

weapon WP_SABER

saberStyle 6

saberStyle 1

health 2000

















reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY



sex male

snd jerec

sndcombat jerec

sndjedi jerec

yawSpeed 120

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 0

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 0

dismemberProbWaist 0



create a pk3 file using pakscape put in the model of the character you want along with the sounds and shaders (in their own seperate folders) also create a Ext_data and put the npcs folder in that then add the .npc file in save your pk3 and load up the game now all you just have to do is npc spawn jerec (or whoever you wish to spawn and he will appear hope this helps

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Originally posted by RSloan76

EF2? I hate to knock my own game, but the problem with the MP is the lack of really destructive and good-feeling weapons. They are, by requirement, Star Trek weapons. So they end up not being as satisfying as other QIII MP games. That's why I think that there is a lack of MP community. Otherwise there are some fun game modes. I really enjoyed it when we tested Power Struggle, and the class-based MP modes.


Uh, I think the issue was the other way around. The weapons didn't really feel star treky at all. Heck, there was only one real beam weapon in the game and it was the traditional "crappy default weapon". I think it really hurt the game when you had federation, romulan, etc weapons that act totally different (except the hand phaser) than the weapons on the shows. a rapid pulsing concussion rifle? A federation shotgun? Wuh?!

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Uh, I think the issue was the other way around. The weapons didn't really feel star treky at all. Heck, there was only one real beam weapon in the game and it was the traditional "crappy default weapon". I think it really hurt the game when you had federation, romulan, etc weapons that act totally different (except the hand phaser) than the weapons on the shows. a rapid pulsing concussion rifle? A federation shotgun? Wuh?!


You're right. I think that the end result in the game, was a kind of hodge podge of sort of star treky weapons, and sorta Quake weapons. At first everything was a beam weapon, and it felt really crappy. It had been an issue through out development. In the end we had to go with the more quake-style weapons. Lets face it in star trek there really isn't all that much variety in the weapons. And I also pushed for that pulse rifle effect for the Fed. rifle when it was being made. As it turned out we did not have the tech to make that effect really work well.


I had the same response when I heard about the Federation shotgun! wuh? I think Activision told us to add that.

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Well, you gotta do whatever the bosses tells you. Afterall they're the ones that sign the paycheck.



-Exactly. That's why I think that some of the people here have to remember that fact when they critisize Raven, or whoever.


As I started this post, you can see that I am quite disappointed with some major aspects of JO, and JA. But having worked on a similar game, I know it's not all Raven's fault. The shortcomings of JA are simply due to Activision not giving Raven the time to really flesh out the new aspects of the game, i.e. selectable levels, and customization, which Activision probably told them to do in the first place. Just a speculation though. I really have no idea.


JO, and JA got very good reviews. There was no reason to really try hard to produce a truly deep and involving Jedi game. All we can do here is hope for it.

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JO, and JA got very good reviews. There was no reason to really try hard to produce a truly deep and involving Jedi game. All we can do here is hope for it.


agreed. However, simply pimping up the maps and adding NPCs isn't going to cut it. To make the game more entertaining, deep, and involving will require redoing a bunch of the gameplay.


I'm planning on doing some work of the sort in MP. My main concern is the saber system. It's too spazy now and there's so little benifit from accurate control that it's often easier to just button mash.

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