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Balance out Crafting/Entertaining/Combat


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Every class seems to be able to set up a macro where they can kick back infront of the computer and watch TV, chat with the occasional passerby and kinda relax without worrying about something killing you, so on and so forth.


Artisains-Set macros for crafting, mining, ect, kick back and let it work. Socialize with people, a life more normal..people talk to coworkers on thier job, not click button after botton, makes the task less mundane.


Entertainers-Chill out and the cantina, and walla heal people. Pretty much the same principal as art.


However us marksman, brawlers, ect... are forced to concentrate on slaving overcreature after creature, kill this mound, kill that mound.. So why not add a new item perhaps in some cities, an item in houses for target practice or sword practice(like those wood statues that spin for close combat)


Scince we have technology and this is star wars so one doesn' t have to have great distance in the location distance is simulated by the target being holographically projcted onto a blaster resistant surface. So chill out in your local faction/pa shooting range and shoot the ****.


Just a ruff idea, if any errors or something just didn't sound right I apologize..it is quite early. 4 am....

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Well, it seems to me that shooting and fighting in real life is more difficult and dangerous than dancing or mining...but I think a shooting range would b a good idea. However, I don't think it could lend too great an XP bonus. I mean, even I can hit a farily large, nonmoving target. But I bet I couldn't hit a moving targte from 50 yards.

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As he said, dancing and mining is easier than fighting in real life too. However, I don't even use those macros with my artisan. I do everything manually. Most people I've told this think I'm nuts, but so what. It's fun when you have a bunch of friends doing the same thing. We just get in a group...and send /g's while we all grind away without the use of any stupid macro's. It's great fun, people should try actually playing the game and stop lookin for the easy way out of everything!

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