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Stabs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have complained alot about JA. Now it's time to complement.



Thanks for the stabs! They Rock! Rolling stabs, stabbing enemies on the ground, and the almighty PULL stabs! Red & yellow work for long range and blue for in their face pull stabs.



I miss the kicks but the stabs more than make up for them.

:D :D

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Stab is the perfect antidote to Katas. If someone has 100 100 then it is not going to be a one hit kill, but if they are at 100 25 or less it will be.


Stab is SO good at countering Katas that sometimes I dont even use it when I can because I prefer a nice challenging fight. It's just too easy to pull off in a duel when someone suddenly pulls out their Kata, leaving themselves undefended from any attack.


I like it and I find it easier than the old standby, blue lunge.

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