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I figured out how to kick in JA(This should help)


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Yup. I was playing in single player and i discovered something. How to kick! :) Yea, it's pretty simple, i don't really know how i missed it at first, i'm sure some of you have figured it out.


Basic wallrun. If you run up to a wall and hit jump just before you hit the wall, you will run straight up. This applies for kicks. I haven't tested it in MP because i honestly haven't had the time. But run up to an opponent and just before you run into them hit jump to do a wallrun on the person, it should kick them back.


If it doesn't work in MP, i'm sorry. But this is how you kick, i guarantee it works, try it in SP and see for youself. Remember, run at an opponent and hit jump just before you run into them. If that doesn't work run up tot he person, hit jump before you run into them and hit jump again, either way it should work.


If you guys already knew how to do this, i'm sorry for wasting your time. :(

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Works everytime i do it. You just have to get a running start. I think that's what they did with kick. They didn't completely take it out, just made it more difficult to do.


If you try to double jump you will fail. I think you just have to run up and do a vertical wallrun on someone, it should work for people in MP, i don't see why not. :cool:

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g_debugmelee 1 allows JK2 style "flip kicks" with any saber type so long as you have Level 2 Force Jump, in Single Player.


Basically just do a "wall jump" off an enemy body (takes a little practice to get the timing down) and yes, it does do damage (in addition to knock back and often knock down).


g_debugmelee 1 also lets you do staff style kicks with secondary fire while in "melee" (fists) mode. Normally primary and secondary both punch, now you can kick in any direction.


The cvar also lets you stick to walls (wall grap move) with melee or sabers and stay there for as long as you hold down the button. You can do a few attacks and things while sticking as well. PLUS you get grapples (primary+secondary when close) with melee mode. You can choke, gut punch, or knee+throw. Quite fun!



In MP, g_debugmelee 1 doesn't give you the flip kicks or the choke hold grapple, sadly. You also can't do any other actions (except force) while sticking to a wall.

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