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How do you get saberrealisticcombat to work?


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I type "devmapall" and then "g_saberrealisticcombat 9" but it doesn't change anything, I'm still only dismembering the occassional arm or hand and it's VERY rare.


Also, someone should make a mod where you can dismember EVERYTHING, and it's realistic, like if I slash someone through the waist, they get cut in half, or if I slash their' legs off they lose their legs...etc.

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right, first off, none of this devmap stuff, you aren't developing and also this makes the game slightly more unstable (well that's what i've heard. bring down the console and put in

helpusobi 1

then follow that up by putting

g_saberrealisticcombat 2 - 2 being just enough for real dismemberment but not enoguh for them to start falling apart when you tap them with your saber.



Well it works for me, Good Luck :)

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ok I've tried all of the following in the console:



>g_saberrealisticcombat 9


>devmapall g_saberrealisticcombat 9


>helpusobi 1 g_saberrealisticcombat 9



>g_saberrealisticcombat 9


I've also tried variations of that using a lower number than 9, like 3 or 4.


NOTHING has worked. I still only dismember the occasional arm, NEVER heads, ever once in a blue moon a hand flies off, but all this stuff happened before I even tried the console commands.


What am I doing wrong?




New development, apparently the command I need to use is "g_sabermorerealistic 9" but when i type it in it says "Write Protected".


Anyone know how to get around this?


the edit button is your friend...say it with me.... - Jed

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"g_saberrealisticcombat" doesn't work on the OFFICIAL retail version of the game....


The only way I know how to bypass the write protection to sabermorerealistic is to put it in the command line in a seperate shortcut, along with a direct quick-load so you don't give the egine a chance to reset the option back to zero...

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