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How do you change the music ??


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Hi. Im sure many have noticed the 'generator room' duel map in JA, and that it is a great rendering of the location of the end of the duel in The Phanton Menace. How can I replace the music with the 'duel of the fates' track, I think it would sound much better..... can this be done ??

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Unfortunately I don't have my laptop here, so I can't tell you exactly how to change the music of that certain map. First you have to open the assets0.pk3 and look for the music folder. Then find out which song is used on the generator map. After you found out, create a new pk3 file with the same folders as in the assets0.pk3 (e.g. music/generator/). Then put the duel of the fates mp3 in this folder and rename it to the music file, which plays on the map (e.g. generator_action.mp3).

This should be it... let me know if you experience problems.

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As King Jezuz Pie posted you need just need to create a new pk3 with folder/file names that match


Create a folder called


inside it another called



and when you save the mp3 its name should be



and zip it


this should create a zipped file containing the mp3 in \music\kor1\


rename it to zzmusic.pk3 (or similar zz is important bit)


NB: this won't work on pure servers unless server has file

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