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What is miss in JO and JA


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There's a few things i miss in JO and JA that where available in DF and JK:


1. Garmorian Guards (if i typed it right) The fat pigs that Rancor eat in ROTJ

2. Dianoga (one eyed freak monster)

3. Swimable water and a swim animation (not in DF)

4. Kell dragons


And what misses in all,


An enemy that should be in a huge level and hard to take out :atat:


5. NPC's like in JK and MOTS. These make the levels more living and realistic

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I saw them. I'm really looking forward to the DF mod. Why?

Well, i'm not such a jedi. I don't believe in hocus pocus and old religions. I'm happy with my blaster. Therefore DF is my favorite of the series. I managed to finish Jedi Knight without the saber and the use of force powers, except Jerec was killed with the saber. Also a great game. The biggest lowdown i think in JO and JA is that there is no swimming animation, and no water.


I think this is in almost all QuakeIII based games.

There is no swimable water in: SOF II (correct me if im wrong but i dont recall me swimming anywhere, and if i got it right i could not get near the water at the hongkong docks)


And not in MOHAA and it's expansions

And not in Elite Force I (i did not play EFII)

Not in JO and JA


And one of my favorite levels in JK was the irrigation channels when you just got the saber. I like the sound of water splashing. I think this is the biggest flaw in the JO and JA games.

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I agree with all the points already raised.


And it's not as if Raven can't do swimming levels - because in Heretic 2 Corvus swam around in some of those levels, and the animation was quite good. Why they couldn't just replicate that in JO/JA I really don't know.


Probably the same reason why the lightsabers fizzle out when they come in contact with water. :/


JA feels more and more like an unfinished game :(

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corvus was a true athletic. I love the heretic/hexen series, and would love to see a first person hexen 3. (not 3rd like the last heretic)


And one quake III based game does have swim animation (and little water) Return to Castle Wolfenstein

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