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how have you personalised your game?


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With editing in this game being so user friendly I'm interested to know how people have personalised their game. Like what skins, models are people using, what npcs/sabers have you changed or altered?


So far in mine I've done the following :


alora - changed to an Aayla secura alternate skin (one of the sith versions) Altered npc file increased health changed force abilities.

cultist - changed to Gallimar black skin

cultist - changed to Gallimar black skin

cultist_drain - changed to Gallimar black skin

cultist_grip - changed to Gallimar black skin

cultist_lightning - changed to Darth sidious, altered npc file boosted forcemax power, health, made it so he uses lightning even more so.

cultist_saber - changed to gallimar blue skin

cultist_saber_powers - changed to gallimar red skin (has 7 different styles within this npc, changed one to dooku and altered scale,health,forceuse to be more like dooku)

cultistcommando - changed to boushh model.

desann - changed to darth vader and altered npc file to be more like vader. also altered sabers.sab to decrease scale of desann's saber.

jedi - there is a jedi1 and jedi2 within this one, changed 1 to aayla and 2nd to ki_adi

jedimaster - changed to kit_fisto and altered npc file to be more like kit.

jeditrainer - changed to mace windu and altered npc file to be more like mace.

kyle - changed to qui-gon and altered npc file to be more like qui-gon mainly taking out absorb and protect cause that sh|t me :)

lando - I use this as my player model swap as he's not in the SP game itself but we can still use him.

luke - changed to yoda, altered npc file changing scale, forceuse, saberstyle, walk and run speed. Altered saber.sab to use smaller saber

player - altered npc file added the line playermodel ep1_obi_sith so my playermodel will be changed in cut sceens.

rebel- I use this as another playermodel swap.

reborn_dual - changed to kit_ mitsu and koh_tu, altered npc file.

reborn_new - changed to kit-mitsu and koh_tu altered npc files.

reborn_staff - changed to darth maul, altered npc to be more like maul and added sounds

reborn_twin - theres about 7 different styles within this npc file which I've altered and swaped for different models.

rosh_penin - changed to a reskin of ep1_obi model not sure of the name but it makes him look more of a shifty looking character.



Well that's what I've been messing about with....what have you done?

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I am going to be working to get my Jedi Name implemented and to also get the subtitles worked out, just have to talk to a friend who does sound recording and re-mixing to get it to sound right so when luke says my jedi name, it mimics his voice and not another's voice.

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ohh good idea. I actually work in a recording studio and was playing with an idea of making a total conversion so that you'd start out on the darkside. Basically once you had all the skins changed like darth sidious for luke all you'd have to do is work on a script and record it. Which would be pretty easy cause all you'd have to do is tackle it one audio file at a time. The only thing that would make this a little hard would be finding good voice talent. I know plenty through work but I'm not about to pay them for their time. I would need to get friends in to do it and unfortunatly none of them do a good dark lord impression :)


The only other thing I was thinking about would be to get samples from the movies and cut them up to form some sort of working script. Basically I can take words said here and there and cut them together quite well. The only problem would be the inflection in which the words are said. Anyway I'm going to be messing arround with this idea and see what I could come up with.

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I re-scored the game music with collections from different movies. You know, just for the hell of it. The end effect came out much better than I expected.


And of course, I use my own Merc Two-Pack mod, as well as new Force power sounds (I can't stand the default ones in-game... They sound too much like a video game, so I made my own).


I added a Mara Jade NPC with that really nice-looking Mara model. I still use my saber style switching technique...


That's about it, really.

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