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adding custom npc's to sp map trouble


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I've been trying to add custom npc's to my sp maps but have trouble, it never works. I've been using Emon's tutorial but it does'nt work for me.


* I replace the "sp_entities.def" in both gamedata/ tools & base/scripts dir's.


* Then add the new entity called NPC_spawner. Then hit the N key to get to the entity window and create a new key called NPC_type with a value of Reborn_vader (or whatever one I use). Then I hit ENTER to make it apply.


* I compile the map, they dont spawn.


However, I can spawn the models/NPC's in sp through the console & play against them all (I have about 60 in a big ass .pk3 file).


I just checked the entity info:


NPC_type Reborn_Vader

origin -96 280 -240

classname NPC_Spawner

-------------------------------------- is that how it should be?


I know I could just overwrite existing NPC's but I dont wanna do that. btw, I mostly use GTK 1.2.11 but keep JK2Radiant in case.

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