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More Force Points

Damar Stiehl

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If you switch to Luke player model, you receive a pool of 200 Force Points. Has anyone tried modifying the player.npc so that the player character gets 200 points as well? I added


forcePowerMax 200


line to my player.npc and made a pk3 out of it, but it had no effect on the game, even after starting a new game. What gives, I wonder?

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I've tried to get this to work but with no luck. So now I just have playermodel swaps bound to keys, one for luke and then one for the model I want to play through as. It's not done automattic but hey it's only 2 key strokes so it's good enough for me.


And if 200 force power isn't enough for ya all you have to do is change luke's forcemax power from 200 to whatever you want.

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