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I'm a rebel commando and the fact that Imps get an at st for a powerful toy. let alone 3 is really bad... but i can deal with that..the one thing that is really annoying is when you kill someone and they come running out of the clone center and can shoot you dead before you have a chance to respond.. they come out covert but can still shoot you cause you have a 'tef' after the fight.. thats totally absurd.. what is it supposed to be some sort of payback shot?..if your gonna complain to csr's about anything complain about that!!!!



That which does not kill you... really screws your 'HAM'

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I saw that for the first time a few mornings ago. A BH was in RORI/Rebel Outpost and there where only a few of us Rebels around and this guy was really pretty good. He had nice pets and EYE Shot2. I just logged in and was looking at my pets and out of no where in the back round I heard fighting going on in the base, I just thought it was another rebeel bringing back something to kill. So by the time I cleared my screens and tryed to scan around to see what it was I noticed it was a Imperial guy and as soon as I tryed to lock on him to FLame him, BAM EYE SHOT2 and down I went. Then as soon as the incap counted down to ZERO and I stood up I didnt even have time to attack him or even send my pet at him, BAM incapped again. I looked around when I was incapped and saw many others like maybe 4-5 of us same thing. The other wierd thing was during this whole fighting time I death blowed him once not thinking, he cloned at our base and I saw him walk out of the cloneing area and call a pet, them he went from normal(blue) to a Aggro state(red) and started incaping people like crazy AGAIN.

After I got up the 4th time from being Icapped more Rebels must have logged on and then we all got his Action HAM down to zero and everytime he stood up we incapped him like 7 times in a row. We also incapped all his pets, which was fun after being so frustrated. He finally gave up and then took the next flight out of there. Talk about a bad morning, I just logged on a few minutes to check my pets and try to get a little more fast CH exp and had to deal with that. Not FUN I tell you.

I also at the time didn't think about that being a TEF thing. I also reported it as a bug on how he keep changing his status to aggro in the middle of the rebel outpost and started attcking everyone. So that will help us make them modify this TEF to make more sence. You should not be able to stand in a town gettting all geared up with your pets out and everyone not ready and just start incapping people and not even see it coming and If you do then when you death blow him there is now way you should be able to just change status again with out having to leave town then come back.

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