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What to Become


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I will very soon be a master Ranger. I explore more than anything else I do so I plan on staying a Ranger. The problem is what to be after that. All most all the time I explore by myself. So I need to decide on what battle skill's I want. The question is what would be the best for me now. I was going Master CH with pistoleer skill's, but I personaly, I do not want a Rancor's, or Grual Mauler's ( If I just wanted to use Lv. 35 pet's ) and they seem to be the best that I could get ( if I am wrong please tell me, as their are some I would like to get. I would realy like to Have a Bol from Dantooine but I have not ever seen anyone with one ).


Now what would be best for me. No way I can become master commando or BH. Since I spend most of my time running around planet's by myself ( group's alway's get in the way when doing this, because everyone want's to go somewhere differant, or want's to just start hunting, while I, atleast for right now, want to see everything that is in the game, and find all the hidden stuff ), I need to stay a Ranger. I am thinking of going Master pistoleer, as I love double tap, and healthshot 2 ( make's it posible to solo mission's for NPC's ), and the speed of the pistol's just can not be beat by carbine's or rifle's. But both of the weapon's are a lot stronger then a pistol.


I guess the question is. What to become beside's master Ranger. Since I like exploreing more than anything, what would be the best skill for me to fend for myself, and to do some good dmg., without being a CH as I just hate the creature's I listed above ( unless you know other's I could use that are as good )

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There are plenty of good creatures besides the ones listed a tri-pack of Greater sludge panthers is vicous. Or two Merlek(sp) (assassins or somthing) Merleks have like 10k ham on some and light armor with 40% res all. Arachne warriors are decent and look cool and range attack.


I would say just dabble into CH and not go master and just get a few good pets and use the rest of your skills for pistoleer.



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I have a great sludge panther. I also have a crystal snake. their are the best two that I have. I also have a dewback, razor cat, and a greater whomp rat.


If I go master Ranger and master Pistoleer, I would have 18 point's left, which would let me use one lv. 35 pet, and that would take up all 250 point's.


Thank's for the advice.

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yea do that, hey i got a question, this is propably the wrong place to ask but i am tamin 1 (thats it, i saced CH earlier cuz i need skill points for Merchant) and it says i can use pets up to lvl 25, and my sand panther is only lvl 23 but i still cant use him......

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