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Siege mode bind/configs (for the jedi)


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You'd think with all the siege players and it's popularity, there'd be more discussion about it... eh, anyways...


I don't like having force hotkeys all across my keyboard. I try to keep them down too a small area so I don't have to move my hand as much (or ever take my hand off the mouse). But with map changes or switching of sides, I find myself having to switch around my controls at the start of every round. Changing my class on Korriban to fit the situation (ie, getting a tech if we lack healers, going scout if the enemy jedi have weak defenses, etc) is annoying because I'm delayed after each switch.


If you don't have this problem.... don't read on :) If you do... I made a helpful little set of binds that fixes the problem fast.


First, the bind list assumes you use the 'wasd' keys for movement. I use "E" for use and "Q" for use item. Number Keys are my weapon/item switches. The keys, R, F, T, G, V, B, C, X, Z are my force power keys... depending on the # of force powers available. R, F, T, G tend to always be set to neutral powers and with lower block of letters set to side-specific. If this fits how you play... just copy and paste the bindlist below and place it in it's own notepad file. Name it something like "siege.cfg", then type "exec siege.cfg" in console before playing. The f1-f6 keys will automatically assign the available force powers to the above mentioned keys. An echo response will tell you the siege level, side (and class for Korriban) of what you choose... so you won't get confused if you forget :) The F5/F6 or Korriban jedi and they are toggable. Just keep hitting F5/F6 until you reach the selected class.


If you use different keys, feel free to edit the config file as necessary. If you need help with anything of it, just post here.


Anyways... here's the text of the file. It's long :) Note, if any of the powers are wrong... I used the Siege Document off this site pasted on the main page as reference. Blame them, then tell me what to fix.





set "HothI" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind V force_distract;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Hoth Dark Jedi;echo V for mind trick2, R for pull2, F for push2"

Bind F1 "vstr HothI"


set "HothR" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind V force_heal;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Hoth Light Jedi;echo V for Heal1, R for pull1, F for push2"

Bind F2 "vstr HothR"


set "DesertI" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind V +force_Grip;bind C force_rage;bind X +force_lightning;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Desert Dark Jedi;echo V for Grip3, C for Force Rage3, X for Force Lightning1, R for pull1, F for push2"

Bind F3 "vstr DesertI"


set "DesertR" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind V force_Distract;bind C force_Absorb;bind X force_protect;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Desert Light Jedi;echo V for Mind Trick2, C for Absorb2, X for Protect2, R for Pull3, F for push3"

Bind F4 "vstr DesertR"


set "KorribanDAs" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind V +Force_Grip;bind C force_rage;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Korriban Assault Dark Jedi;echo V for grip2, C for rage3, R for pull1, F for push2;set KorribanDJ vstr KorribanDHe"

set "KorribanDHe" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind V +Force_Grip;bind C +Force_Drain;bind X +force_lightning;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Korriban Heavy Dark Jedi;echo V for Grip2, C for Drain2, X for Lightning2, R for pull2, F for push2;set KorribanDJ vstr KorribanDDe"

set "KorribanDDe" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind G force_seeing;echo Korriban Demo Dark Jedi;echo R for pull1, F for push2, G for sight1;set KorribanDJ vstr KorribanDSc"

set "KorribanDSc" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind T force_speed;bind V force_distract;bind C +force_drain;echo Korriban Scout Dark Jedi;echo R for pull1, F for push1, T for Speed3, V for Mind trick2, C for drain1;set KorribanDJ vstr KorribanDTe"

set "KorribanDTe" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind G force_seeing;bind V force_forcepowerother;echo Korriban Tech Dark Jedi;echo R for pull1, F for push1, G for sight3, V for Team force replenish3;set KorribanDJ vstr KorribanDJc"

set "KorribanDJc" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;echo Korriban Dark Jedi;echo R for Pull2, F for push2;set KorribanDJ vstr KorribanDAs"

set "KorribanDJ" "vstr KorribanDAs"

Bind F5 "vstr KorribanDJ"


set "KorribanLAs" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind V force_absorb;bind C Force_protect;bind X Force_heal;echo Korriban Assault Light Jedi;echo V for Absorb1, C for Protect3, X for Heal1, R for Pull1, F for Push2;set KorribanLJ vstr KorribanLHe"

set "KorribanLHe" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind V force_absorb;bind T force_speed;bind G force_seeing;bind C force_heal;echo Korriban Heavy Light Jedi;echo V for Absorb1, C for Heal1, R for pull1, F for push2, G for Sight1, T for Speed1;set KorribanLJ vstr KorribanLDe"

set "KorribanLDe" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind V force_absorb;bind G force_seeing;echo Korriban Demo Light Jedi;echo V for Absorb1, R for pull1, F for push1, G for sight1;set KorribanLJ vstr KorribanLSc"

set "KorribanLSc" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind V force_absorb;bind T force_speed;bind C mind_trick;echo Korriban Scout Light Jedi;echo V for Absorb1, R for pull1, F for push1, C for Mind Trick2, T for Speed3;set KorribanLJ vstr KorribanLTe"

set "KorribanLTe" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind V force_absorb;bind X force_healother;bind Z force_heal;bind C force_protect;bind B force_distract;echo Korriban Tech Light Jedi;echo V for Absorb3, C for Protect3, X for Team Heal2, Z for Heal3, B for Mindtrick 3, R for pull1, F for push1;set KorribanLJ vstr KorribanLJc"

set "KorribanLJc" "unbind R;unbind F;unbind T;unbind G;unbind V;unbind C;unbind X;bind R force_pull;bind F force_throw;bind V force_absorb;echo Korriban Light Jedi;echo R for pull2, F for push2, V for absorb1;set KorribanLJ vstr KorribanLAs"

set "KorribanLJ" "vstr KorribanLAs"

Bind F6 "vstr KorribanLJ"






Comments, Questions, Flames about how lame scripting is... all are welcome :)



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For the Jedi I have cfg files already made, and I use some team chat binds, but what I really need to do is bind the VOICE CHAT commands to hotkeys.


Since I'm running out of keys I may try to use these with the numpad, but I need to know how to bind it to those keys rather than the regular number keys.


I normally use the function keys for items (like bacta) so that's pretty much what I'll do there.


Here's my Jedi cfg files:





I just type: exec lightside or exec darkside depending on what I'm doing in the game. Lightside works for most stuff, but you need darkside for Korriban.

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Wow - that's complex.

In all multiplayer games, one can either use the dark or the light force powers (along with the neutral ones). Why not bind the neutral powers via the game and just switch 4 keys for light and dark (using it for SP too, just so I don't need to learn new layouts)? Here's what I've put into my autoexec.cfg (pressing the 'Y' key toggles between the dark and the light forces, which will be indicated via a msg ingame):




set f_dark "bind W +force_grip; bind R +force_drain; bind Q +force_lightning; bind T force_rage; echo ^1DARK ^1FORCE ^1SET^7; set force vstr f_light"


set f_light "bind W force_absorb; bind R force_heal; bind Q force_distract; bind T force_protect; echo ^5LIGHT ^5FORCE ^5SET^7; set force vstr f_dark"


set force vstr f_light

// The toggle key for Light/Dark:

bind Y vstr force

// Force default is Light:

bind W "force_absorb"

bind R "force_heal"

bind Q "force_distract"

bind T "force_protect"



(my movement keys are E,S;D &F)


For Siege it might also be helpfull to bind the usable items to keys (to my knowlege, ther's only the shield bind in the key setup screen), again here's what I use (change the keys to your liking):


bind B "use_Eweb"

bind C "use_field"

bind X "use_bacta"

bind END "use_sentry"

bind PGDN "use_ammodispenser"

bind DEL "use_seeker"



Kurgan, in order for the num-pad to function in binds, the Num-LED needs to be switched to off while playing, then use:




(havn't done any binds for the voice commands yet, else I would post em too)

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