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Unfortunately, that pretty much hit the nail on the head.


The game is player driven. Player stories, player groupping, player economy........


However, when the player doesn't realize this, they grow bored of the game after accomplishing everything with character advancement. There is much more to be done, stories to be created and lived.

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But the kool thing is if your not a hardcore gamer about the time you master your profession the space expansion will be out and people will be able to continue, the only thing that could hamper this is if they dont give you some more skill points, if they dont if gunna drive my ass down to calafornia and raid SOE jedi style.......

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Tech TV is nothing more than a bunch of elitist, mac-loving, snobs. I used to enjoy the channel when I first started my career in IT, but now I can't stand it.


Reviews don't mean a thing.


With the graphics lag, I found that I had alot of lag when I first started playing too. Before you enter the game go to options and set the check box for use low detail textures, the game still looks great and ran, for me, 50 % smoother.:fett: :fett:

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya, they don't even like rpg's. most of the rpg's they have put on the show didn't do well. he was also picking on the wookie getting beat up by butterflys. If he actualy played the game long enough it would be cool. for some reason I dont get it but he makes it seem that the game is bad just because he made his wookie dance?! he is a screwball. he also forgot to mention about the many professions, that besides the graphics is what blows my mind the most about this game.

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