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I'm still trying to figure out a good way to make creds more quickly. I don't want to cheat, but It just seems that so many things are out of reach of the "casual players", of which I am one, who don't have time to sit in front of the comp for five hours a day. I'm primarily interested in housing and things of that nature. I just want to enjoy the SWG universe and all it has to offer, not interested in constantly acquiring new skills and spending weeks maxing them out or anything of that nature. Any ideas would be welcome!





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Travel to Endor and join a Pubam hunting party.


Average payout per mission: 20k/#of players in the group


If you are skilled enough, this can be done alone or in a pair. Normally, I do this with one skiled combatant and eliminate his downtime. We both make a killing and walk away happy.


I love being a Doctor.

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Thanks for the tips guys. I guess I'm really just looking for the highest pay per mission versus the lowest risk possible. I know this is more easily achieved in hunting parties. I'm almost to Rifleman status, among other skills, but rifle is my primary focus so I don't usually die in multi person combat scenarios. I just wish someone would drop a million creds in my lap sometimes.

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Misssion's are a good way to get money. Their is another way as well. Start minning. I make about 30k a day from just minning. I spend about 15 min. going to my harvester's then go to the bazaar and sell everything. I sell lower then most people and my stuff sell's fast. I do my harvester run's, then take off exploreing. I am not trying to get rich, well not yet, but I can do what I want right now without haveing to worry about money. I usely spend about 12k of what I make on traveling, cloning, and other resorce's ( food, drink's, power-up's, etc. ) and the rest of the money just set's their and build's up.


30k might not be that much, but that is 30k for about 25 min. of playing all together. It take's a bit to get going but after you do, you will not have to worry about money, as it will be a steady income.

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