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Is it Worth it?


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I'm sorry, as there has to have been alot of posts on this subject, but since search is disabled, i only looked back 5 pages and i didnt see any post that pertained ot my question. Is SWG worth it? or should i wait a while before purchasing the game? I've done other MMORPG's like EVE, Planetside, Earth and Beyond, etc, and i usualy dont get bored right away. Its just that i've hear incredibly mixed reviews, from SWG beeing the spawn of satan, to the next jesus. I'm hoping someone can just give me a quick opinion, as un-biased as possible

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The people that complain the most about Galaxies are the beta testers and the guys who played since the first day it came out. They usually gripe about bug problems and things being changed to their disadvantage (like being able to exploit a certain bug).


This is what I think of the game:


At first I was not going to get it. I thought it would be a waste of time and I didn't want to commit to another monthly payement. A month after it's release, a good friend of mine came over and gave it to me as an early birthday present (about 7 months early :)). Now I was a little excited, I mean here was a new game in a big box all for me...Woo Hoo! I installed it and started playing.


The game at first was really fun. Here I was blown away by the massive environment and all the cool stuff you could do like career enhancements and the ability to choose specific skills rather than one profession. Instead of like other games where you're forced to a certain class based on your race, any charector can do any career though there may be harsh penalties for it.


So I ran around like a noob for two days checking everything out on Naboo until I met up with my friends on Tatooine. At this point is when a few problems came up. The game relys heavily on the processor and virtual memory so much that my game (and pc) would crash every time I go to a heavily populated area or a graphically intense area like a cantina in a big city. This was mildly annoying, especially since my pc doesn't have these problems in other games. I spent about half a day cleaning and gutting and tweaking my system and now it runs good again.


Now it's been about 6 weeks and I really enjoy the game. It might be that this is my first MMORPG but I like the idea of non-linear gameplay, the non-combatant classes like Armor Smith or Master Chef, and the fact that it's star wars. Sure the game crashed every now and again but it's not a big deal to me. There are some mildly annoying bugs like creatures floating in the air from time to time or NPCs getting stuck in the walls but for the most part it's not a big deal. Overall I'd say this game is worth $30 and $15 per month (only if they keep fixing and updating).





  • Lot's of charector classes and the ability to "dabble" with different types.
  • Joining a faction and meeting special NPCs like Han Solo and Darth Vader
  • Many bad bugs have been fixed. Gameplay keeps getting better.
  • Classes depend on each other. In otherwords fighters need Armor and Weapon smiths to supply them with equipment. Smiths rely on other classes as well. There is a public trading and auctioning system as well.
  • It's Star Wars :)






  • High graphic requirements (read sticky) can lead to poor gameplay and not such a good time.
  • No form of transportation. You will be walking a lot! The expansion pack will offer vessels and mounted rides.
  • Minor bugs that can affect misions and crafting items.
  • Player vs. Player seems unbalanced at times. It's pretty much you pick the best skills and you win.
  • Too many of a certain type and not diverse enough. When it comes to PvP people are picking only the best of a class and aren't trying o master it. Too many Bounty Hunters/BH wannabes

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