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Need Help in Multiplayer


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My friend and I have been trying all night to play a multiplayer game against each other over the internet, but we can't make it work!!! I've played dozens of multiplayer games offline, against bots, but never online, against other people.


We're almost completely sure that we're doing everything right, but no matter which of us *hosts* the game the other person just can't *find* the game!


Could someone *please* treat my like an absolutely pathetic flourescent green newbie, and give me step-by-step instructions on *every* little thing we have to do to get a multiplayer game to work? Instructions for *both* the person *hosting* the game *and* for the other person who just has to *find and join* the game.


Thanks in advance.

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plug in your computer....



actually, all you have to do is:


both connect to net

host finds his ip (generally, i just go to the RUN box and type 'command', then 'ipconfig' in the dos window. it will say your IP address.)

tell this IP address to your friend

the host goes to create new game in MP

host selects all the stuff you want your game to have (map rotations, noforce saberonly etc)

host starts game.

client goes to join menu

client selects 'add favorite' from the join menu

client types the hosts IP address into the box

client: on top of the join menu is a select box that goes between INTERNET, LOCAL, and FAVORITES. select favorites.

refresh the game list if not showing up.

Client picks his hosts game.


Its very easy...

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A way I've found easier still is:


Either find your IP using the method above, or visit http://whatismyip.com/ and copy the IP using CTRL+C


Tell your IP to your friend


Start your MP game as normal


Get your friend to start JO as normal, and on the main menu screen, bring the console down (shift + `)


Your friend types:*

connect <ip address here>


Your friend should join you in-game.

*if you've given your friend your IP my instant messenger or e-mail, get him to copy it, and he can paste it into the console by presseing CTRL+V instead of typing it in there ;)


Hope this helps too :D


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