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buying swg


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I've been wanting to get SW galaxies for a while. I hear its an awesome game. But i saw that you have to pay monthly fees in order to keep playing the game, is this true? how much do you have to pay? and can you get the game for ps2 or x box yet? If anyone knows about this or knows more info about buying /playing the game it would be helpful. thanks.

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its a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) and most of them need a monthly fee to play, This is because they need to pay the people to work for them and keep ther servers up. I dont think they will be putting it on the PS2/XBox. And I pay $20 CAN a month.Come Join the i think 300 000 registered users.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

You wont see Galaxies on any console because Microsoft, Sony (!) and Nintendo have very strict controls over bugs. With Galaxies riddled with bugs, it would not pass their tests.



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That is not a true statement. They probally do not have the resources to keep up a never ending game and the man power to keep updating everything and adding content. The Counsel Games are not nearly as hard to make and no where near as big as SWG in programing size.

Do they have good graphics too, YES.

Also another point if PS2 or Nintendo where to take sell this game, they would have to remake the Entire game in there gaming CODE. It's not like the just save it to there media, They have to remake the game in theory. They do this with all the same name games on all the different systems.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The was set to be released on the consoles and yes, the statement is a true one.


I work in the games industry and know alot about this. However, there is no way on earth Galaxies could run on a PS2 - Xbox at a struggle but bugs would have to be fixed.


Porting games onto various formats is not a tough one and sometimes certain features are removed because consoles cant cope.


Things that make a game hang, or have an effect on your gaming experience are failures when submitting a game to Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo before its release.


The PC market has no governing body to stop publishers releasing half finished games.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sony are getting $3.3 million a month, so the money is coming up and this will probably swell to around $5 once Europe joins in.


PS2 online is weak and a horrible experience as Sony have left it really down to game publishers/developers to sort this side of things out.


X-Box is more serious about online, with LIVE and yes updates could be done this way. But like i said, the PS2 in no way shape or form could even attempt to handle Galaxies as it is a poor console in terms of ability.


And just because it sells in big numbers, doesnt mean its the best.



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SW Galaxies was always planned to be released on the 2 gaming consoles. I am sure that it will be after the space expansion, if it is released on the consoles at all...




SAN RAFAEL, Calif.--May 20, 2002--LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC today announced its intent to develop versions of the company's highly anticipated first game of its Star Wars® Galaxies online series for Xbox Live and PlayStation® 2. Specific release dates for the Star Wars Galaxies-branded massively multiplayer games for the two next generation console platforms will be announced at a later time. This December LucasArts will release a Windows PC version of the game, developed by Sony Online Entertainment, titled Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.


The Star Wars Galaxies online game series is designed to immerse literally thousands of players into the rich Star Wars universe. The series will feature dynamic role-playing adventures across multiple planets during the classic Star Wars timeframe. Game play will offer a unique combination of combat, exploration, social interaction, specialized missions, and daring quests.


"The ultimate goal with these versions of Star Wars Galaxies is to solidify LucasArts' position at the forefront of the emerging online console game genre, and we're confident this strategy will do just that," says Randy Breen, vice president of development for LucasArts. "By offering the Star Wars Galaxies series on video game consoles such as Xbox and PlayStation 2, LucasArts will be able to bring this eagerly awaited game to an entirely new audience of players who previously may not have had an opportunity to experience it."


"We're thrilled that Star Wars Galaxies -- the most anticipated massively multiplayer game ever -- is coming to Xbox Live," says J Allard, general manager of the Xbox platform. "We designed Xbox from day one to support great online games like Star Wars Galaxies. This announcement validates our vision that the best games of the future will take advantage of the Xbox system's built-in broadband support."


"We're delighted to partner with LucasArts in bringing the Star Wars universe to the PlayStation 2, the world's best-selling next-generation game system," says Andrew House, senior vice president, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "Our goal with bringing PlayStation 2 online is to be able to showcase dynamic content that fosters multi-player opportunities and community building. The mass appeal of Star Wars combined with the tens of millions of PlayStation users represents a huge step forward in computer entertainment and the future of online gaming."

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Guest DarthMaulUK

LA did plan to release on consoles - but they wont for the reasons I have stated.


PS3 and Xbox 2 could make it possible.



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Originally posted by HanSo|o

do you think its worth it to continually pay 20$ each month? i don't know if i have the kind of money to spend $20 for a video game every month.


It's worth it if you count the fact that you no longer need to watch TV, rent movies, go to the movies, or spend any more dough on other types of "entertainment"...:p

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