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This doesnt make sense...


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When you are wielding a saberstaff later in the SP game, turn one off and you'll get a single saber on medium stance, right?


But how come you cant use the special moves of the medium stance? Like the cartwheel and the jump-over-slash thing, whats more you cant even do the attack enemy on ground while you only have 1 saber active.


But thats not the bigger problem.


The bigger problem is that although it looks like you are using the medium stance, it goes through the enemy like as if you a using the saberstaff!

Or in other words the enemy cannot block your attacks like they usually would when you're using the actual medium stance with the single saber. It just goes right through them!


I hope someone could answer my question or solve it if possile cos im really confused... :(

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

The lack of specials is to limit your advantage over others somewhat. And the latter sounds like a bug on your end o.o

Maybe, but for the MP anyway.


Because there is no reason to limit your abilities in SP cos your character is suppose to get better as you progress. Plus adding it will also make the game more fun.


And no... i dont think its a bug for just my game... it might not be immeadiatley noticable but your medium stance with the staff is actually more powerful than its supposed to be. I mean, the staff is undeniably powerful cos enemys cant block it, but with that power also transfered to the medium stance is what I dont get: looks the same as medium, fights like a medium, except unblockable like a full staff.

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