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Your Jedi Theories


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AS Ironic as it sounds Robb stiles unlocked the force slot some how. before he bacame a robber we were good freinds We were on a trip to dathomir right before he bacame a robber of corse he kept getting incapped there he wasent a good fighter some how a gurrak attacked heand he shot lightining at it mysteriously and imediatly killed it I dont know if it was a bug or glich but it was weird

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here are my theories




A hermit in the desert on tatoine. He says he has fought againts great powers. He wants you to do a great heroic deed, then come back to him.

Luke's life changed when his uncle purchased a pair of used droids from Jawa dealers visiting his homestead. The droids, Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio, were Rebel property fleeing from the Empire. The Rebel droids led Luke on an adventure, uniting him with Obi-Wan Kenobi, a desert hermit and war hero whom Luke knew as Old Ben.


Why it might be True: Old Ben was a desert hermit also a war hero. The one on swg is suppose to be a hermit and use to be a war hero. It only makes sense that he will lead you down the path. Just like Obi did to look.






Jedi Spirit


Where a Jedi Spirit helps you find a way to become force sensitive.


The Dark Lord confronted Kenobi as the Jedi was returning to the Falcon. After decades of delay, Vader finally squared off against his former master. As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader. The Dark Lord struck the Jedi down, and Kenobi became one with the Force. He left behind no body, just empty robes and his own Jedi weapon.

Kenobi's death strengthened Skywalker's resolve to serve both the Rebellion and the Force. At times of great trial, Kenobi's voice would reach out to Luke, offering counsel. Later, the spectral form of Kenobi would appear to Luke. The ghost-like image advised young Skywalker to venture to Dagobah, where he could complete his training under the guidance of Yoda.

Later, Kenobi appeared to Luke and revealed the truth of his lineage. Though Kenobi felt that the dark side could only be defeated by bringing about the deaths of Anakin and the Emperor, Luke strongly believed that his father still had good in him. Luke set out to turn Anakin away from the dark side and succeeded, though at a great price. Anakin suffered grievous wounds in his final battle, and died having returned to the light. His spectral form joined that of Kenobi and Yoda during the Rebel's celebration of the Empire's defeat


Why it might be True: There is hologram / spirits all of over swg. They are jedi and sith. There is one on yavin4 named Exar Kan. But at the end of the movie VI yoda, obi wan, and darth vader are spirit / holgrams of them. So if you talk to one it might derict you down the right path or maybe it is related to the hermit theory somehow.










Jedi Holocron



The New Jedi Holocron is an interactive teaching device that becomes active when held by Force-Sensitive characters. Organic crystals inside the Holocron sense the Force of the user determining whether the user is with the Light or Dark Side of the Force. The Holocron then senses the surface thoughts of the user, presenting them with Jedi wisdom. The Holocron can be used as a Jedi encyclopedia or as a training instructor. The Holocron holds about 200 Force Powers.


Once learned, the Skills may be improved up to 3D through research. The base cost and time required for increasing a Skill by one pip through research is twice the number before the D in the Skill’s Die Code, and a number of days equal to the amount of Character Points spent. To improve a Skill using a Holocron (but not texts), the Jedi must first convince the keeper of the lore contained in the Holocron he is worthy of the knowledge (a great opportunity for some fine Role-Playing) and, of course, he may only be taught the powers contained in the Holocron (anywhere from 5 to 50 Powers depending on how much knowledge was encoded in the Holocron’s design). Once the student has gained the keeper’s trust and selected a Power to be taught, he may roll a number of dice equal to his Knowledge plus the Instructing (a Perception based skill) Die Code of the Holocron’s holographic Master. For every full five points over 25, the base cost (i.e. twice the normal cost) is reduced by one Character Point, and the time required is also reduced by one day. No matter how spectacular the roll, the cost may never be fewer than x where the original Die Code is xD, and time may never be fewer than x days of intensive research


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NO he just had a combat staff in his hand And the way he robbs players is he will ask If he can store some off his stuff at your place and when you add him to the admin list right when you leave that door he will grab the stuff in your house and than demand a 50k ransom he asked me to tip it to him I only had 47k on me I told him that and he said that will be fine so I tiped it to him and then he said thanks for your money sucker and ran off He wouldent even use the trade this guy is not to be under estimated

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Nym. Sorry to hear that, but you should have known better then to trust someone you didn't know. I hope you learned something from this. Also could be nice enough to tell me what server this robber play's on. I would like to have a talk with him *evil grin*. I hate people that take advantage of other player's.


MaximumGain. I need to talk to you in game. If you remember me, you made me some cloth's in archorhead and told me to pay what I thought it was worth, well I need some more cloth's.


About being a Jedi. That is a path I am trying to walk now. I just want to see if I can unlock it, not realy interrested in becomeing one. I like being a pistoleer to much. Anyway, I heard a lot of you becomeing a Jedi is how you play and what you do in game in general. How much truth is in to that, I do not know. That is just something I heard. I do know holocron's have something to do with it. As for the hermit's, I don't know. I have been looking for hermit's on Tatooine and Dantooine, and I have yet to find one except for the one's that give you crap mission's. I was walking in the desert once on Tat and had someone run up to me saying something about a stupid disc ( was two month's ago, so I do not totaly remeber it ) and then was killed by 8 Stormtrooper's. From what I understand that is a hermit mission, but I have not found the hermit's yet.

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Originally posted by warchampion


Jedi Holocron


Once learned, the Skills may be improved up to 3D through research. The base cost and time required for increasing a Skill by one pip through research is twice the number before the D in the Skill’s Die Code, and a number of days equal to the amount of Character Points spent. To improve a Skill using a Holocron (but not texts), the Jedi must first convince the keeper of the lore contained in the Holocron he is worthy of the knowledge (a great opportunity for some fine Role-Playing) and, of course, he may only be taught the powers contained in the Holocron (anywhere from 5 to 50 Powers depending on how much knowledge was encoded in the Holocron’s design). Once the student has gained the keeper’s trust and selected a Power to be taught, he may roll a number of dice equal to his Knowledge plus the Instructing (a Perception based skill) Die Code of the Holocron’s holographic Master. For every full five points over 25, the base cost (i.e. twice the normal cost) is reduced by one Character Point, and the time required is also reduced by one day. No matter how spectacular the roll, the cost may never be fewer than x where the original Die Code is xD, and time may never be fewer than x days of intensive research



This whole part. Something about roll?

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A hermit in the desert on tatoine. He says he has fought againts great powers. He wants you to do a great heroic deed, then come back to him.

Luke's life changed when his uncle purchased a pair of used droids from Jawa dealers visiting his homestead. The droids, Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio, were Rebel property fleeing from the Empire. The Rebel droids led Luke on an adventure, uniting him with Obi-Wan Kenobi, a desert hermit and war hero whom Luke knew as Old Ben.


Why it might be True: Old Ben was a desert hermit also a war hero. The one on swg is suppose to be a hermit and use to be a war hero. It only makes sense that he will lead you down the path. Just like Obi did to look.

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Originally posted by Breetai

Nym. Sorry to hear that, but you should have known better then to trust someone you didn't know. I hope you learned something from this. Also could be nice enough to tell me what server this robber play's on. I would like to have a talk with him *evil grin*. I hate people that take advantage of other player's


Robb was not a stranger he was a good man before he fell to the darkside I have been freinds with him ever since the game came out we met but after a few months things changed he was desprete he never was able to finish any of the starting proffesions he kept dieing on destroy missions and he wasted his time on delivery missions that paid sh## so he got desprete for for power and money since he was my freind he was on the admin list of my house so he could drop stuff Well I went Ld and that was the last time I saw my stuff Then I got a tell for a ransom And after he ran off with my 47k he was bosting with /tells how the lighting was not a glich He is force sensitive and how all powerful he is And how weak every one else is and he bragged how many other countless people he has been stealing from Btw this is in the flurry server. and I just said robb Why And he sent a tell saying Robb has no meaning to me any more its darth malauk then he blocked me.

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i talked to a dancer in anchorhead today and she said that she had a holocron and that it told you stuff in riddles. she said it "spoke" to her, im assuming she meant one of those little boxes with text came up. she also said that they took away the holocrons cause too many people were close to fs slot. so you know what that means.....you have to have a jedi holocron..this is the key fellas.....the key. but as you have already said, they are gone now and all i get from jedis are holocron splinters. but check out the main page of swgalaxies.net the patch note says soemthing about increasing the drop rate of holocrons? this is conflicting with what everywhere else is saying so im not sure what they are thinking. this tid bit was missing from my patch notes on the game itself sooooo. ive been searching high and low for a few days for a holocron but i guess we should just wait it out till the devs fix whatver problem they are having. i also found that since im a rebel and that the dark jedi guy who gives imps missions will give you holocron splinters. much in the same way they gave that guy^ holocrons. so im assuming they are being replaced for he time being. keep postin here so i can find out what to do. i know what if i opened the jedi slot up, i would post a screen of the skill tree. im not greedy! anyway wtf is with the fs slot can only be jedi? how the hell will they train? go to dantooine in the middle of nowhere and fight hard animals? there will be no where to train! you cant just whip out your lightsaber (you know all jedi apprentices start out with one their master gave to them). i would assume that the jedi has to train in solitude with an npc jedi master somehwere. but who knows. im very very interested in how the devs intend to do this. if i opeend it i was plannin on doing artisan and gettin a bunch of money then go find a holocron and start training, but you can only be a jedi! i dont see how the devs plan on doing this but hey, they know what they are doing. and why do those dark side savages use guns? they are of the dark side and they can use dark side skills (according to the reb jedi lady) then why dont they have lightsabers? i also heard that you cant loot items off stuff if youre in a group. ive tested this and it seems true. i looted a few items off a storm trooper but when i killed others all i got was credits! sorry to ramble POST!

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Nym. Let's think about this. If he was a Jedi, then he would not need power right? Also when he "used the force ", did he turn TEF on you? If so then you should have attacked him, if not then he is no Jedi. I would try to help you, but I play on Scylla.


My guess about the Holocron's is go to Dantooine, that is where you used to be able to get them, so I am betting that is where you can get the new one's. Also the sith medallion's are supposed to have something doing with the force as well ( atleast that is what I heard ).

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Ok. This is what I've heard. People are getting ture Jedi HOlocrons by killing Tuskens and Pirates on Lok. That's all I've heard. I do know that when you get it, it's supposed to say "it looks familir to you."


But conceringin the Jedi Medallions, I don't know where youg et them. But they also, supossdly help. So if anyone has one, can you please share it with the rest of us? And I'm willing to tell everyone what I did/ have done so far to get Force Sensitive, if I make it.


The only things I have done iwere the Sith Missions for the guy on Datooine. I have yet to do the Jedi Missions. My personle belief is to just dop every single jedi/sith mission, hoping it unlocks the FS slot. So peopel, please. Share with the rest of us. Are there any Jedi secrets on Yavin?

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I have done the jedi mission's ( I soloed them, but i did die 3 time's on the last one lol ) but I have not done the dark jedi mission's.


As far as yavon. I did have one thing happen. In one of the outpost ( not sure which, but it is the one all the way south west on the map ). I found a NPC and his name was a Chriss Maul ( yes it is a Chriss, it was not a typo ). He asked if I wanted power and of course I said yes. He gave me a wp to one of the sith temple's. When I got their it said to return to him and gave me a wp back to him. Well I was with a freind and we took the shuttle from that outpost to the other one ( been a while so I do not remember the name's of the outpost ). Well when we landed I could not see him and he could not see me. We could talk to each other but that was it. I went to a Chriss Maul and he kept asking me did I go their yet, so I relogged along with my friend and atleast we could see each other now. But it would never let me finish it. I destory the wp and did it two more time's, but the the next time I did it it did the same thing. On the thrid try I walked the entir way by my self and when I got to the temple, the wp was still their and it would not tell me to go back to him. As you can tell it was broken, I do not not know if they have fixed it yet as I have yet to go their and try it again.

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my thoughts on this... Well ok everyone think for a sec just step back.... Now do u guys really think this is even encoded yet... come on guys almost 300k users now and the didnt find it .. i have seen some exploits that was like omg how did u find that like the yaven 4 one where u floated omg ... lol what i guess i am saying is IF there was one surely someone would have got it by not and if for that SLIGHT chance they didnt dont you think CSR's and such would have it to test i mean god there was no beta testing of it except 1 screenshot i seen that showed nothing and a single jedi that walked out 1 time in the game on beta... If Jedi was the "highlight" of the game dont you think it would be for 1 tested some and for 2 found by now... guys its impossible to get right now dont waste your time :p btw on theories i have heard some good ones but my favorite is when you started there was 4 or skills picked and when u get those 4 skills you open it... that would be random and very hard to get i have heard this like 30 times i doubt its true but if it was that would mean ou would litterly have to almost master every profession in game to get jedi that woudl be interresting :) Not to mention tkae a lot of time and keep poeple playnig game if thats true wow got to give it to u sony smart thinking :)

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Originally posted by LordBigJ

If Jedi was the "highlight" of the game dont you think it would be for 1 tested some and for 2 found by now... guys its impossible to get right now dont waste your time :p


They have already said that right now their are some close to unlocking it. That is why everyone is starting to realy post on this subject. From what I understand, the first Jedi will be out before the next big patch.

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