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What the ?? How do you do a backflip??


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I'm on my first mission after the academy tarining, but can't seem to do any of the acrobatic move like backflip off a wall or side flip off a wall. Pre-reqs say I need Force jump 1, which I have, but when I run up to a wall to try it, I just do a normal force flip. Anyove have any suggestions?



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here is a list of what could be wrong:


-the wall u were testing on was slainted, happens alot with me


-your version or maybe the game itself is still kinda messy


-the datapad say force 1 but maybe its wrong and u need 2


thats all i can think of right now:D

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Its because you force jump skill isnt advanced enough yet. You dont start out as a kick arse jedi master, as you do more missions you get to choose which force powers you want to advance. I think the base non-sided force powers go up on thier own (Jump, speed, seeing, and so on). Just wait, you'll get there when the time comes my young padawan. Be patient, or you may find yourself consumed by the dark side.

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