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Refresh rate?


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I just got Jedi Academy. Works great - the only problem is that the game runs only in an eye-watering 59 hz on my machine at 1025x768. My monitor can do 85 hz Is there any way to force the game to run at a different refresh rate?


Homeworld 2 had the same problem with no in-game refresh rate control. However, Homeworld 2's problem could be taken care of with a command line option. Is there a command line option in Jedi Academy for this? or do I need to look for 3rd party refresh rate controls?


I am playing on a 2.4 ghz P4, 512 mb ram, Geforce 5900fx 128, winxp.

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Turn off Vsync in the video options.

What vsync does is sync the frame rate with the refresh rate (your refresh is 60, so your frames are around 60)


The reason this option is there is to reduce horizontal tearing of the screen, but if you are getting good enough frames, you wont see much tearing... and can turn it off.


You can increase the refresh rate on nvidia cards with the new drivers... though its a little tricky.

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