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Moving Account Keys


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I just purchased SWG off ebay ( not being able to wait to the end of the month for the European release!! ). The game has obviously been used and when I try to activiate a new account I am not able to because the key has already been registered.


Is there anyway that the seller can release their key so that it can be re-used? Or have I been sold a dud!!!



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Ah well the seller has offered me a refund which I think I will take and just wait out till the end of the month. That way I'll get my free months play as well!!


I would have ordered the game from the States a long time ago, but the last time I ordered from America, customs really hit me hard. The shipping was not actually that expensive, but customs slapped me with VAT at 17.5% plus an import duty PLUS a handling fee that was fixed at £10. Ouch! Cost me almost an extra 50% of the price - and with something as small as SWG it would probably be double the price.


Roll on the 31st!!



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