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Is anyone going to get Star Wars: Galaxies?

Guest Starnick10287

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Guest Boba Rhett

I'll probably end up getting it, but i'm Definitely not a fan of games that you have to keep paying for.

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Guest Starnick10287

In their FAQ at the website, there will be a monthly fee but they haven't decided yet............but it will probably be low.

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When you think about it 10 bucks a month isn't all that bad, but then think about it in the long run....you spend 100's of dollars just so you can play a GAME on the COMPUTER! I'm sorry but this game is not for me. Although I usually say one thing and do the opposite :)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

smoking is stupid, but a ton of people do it anyways.

Yep and a ton of people are gonna play Galaxies too. I mean come on, it's starwars! You know your gonna play it! Unless your flat broke. And even then you can donate your blood to play it :D

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Guest Tie Guy

I know, i'll get sucked in just like every other star wars game. Oh, well, i've got a couple hundred dollars stored away for times like these. Plus, i should have a job by this time next year.

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Guest Master Yoda

I dont know if im going to get it, It sounds like you have to spend tons of time on the net in order to play.. though ive never played that style of game so who knows...

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Originally posted by Master Yoda

I dont know if im going to get it, It sounds like you have to spend tons of time on the net in order to play.. though ive never played that style of game so who knows...

Yeah, your gonna be spending <b>a lot</b> of time on the net playing it. It's gonna rule your life, at least that's how most SW games are for me :)

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