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Is anyone going to get Star Wars: Galaxies?

Guest Starnick10287

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Guest Starnick10287

There might be a system of paying like this: you pay $5 every 500 hours that your on the game, instead of paying $10 a month, even if you don't play it often. :cool:

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Guest Master Yoda

I agree If theres a subscription I probably wont get it.. Subscriptions are just a pain in the butt, the game would have to be REALLY good in order for me pay out money more than just once..

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Guest Dorsk8199

I probably won't get it. Since I don't like the idea of a monthly fee and I don't like the idea that it's supposed to be near impossible to be a jedi. What's a star wars game without jedi? I think the developers are making a big mistake with that one. Then again they will probably change it when they start losing tons of money. Oh well.

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Originally posted by Dorsk8199

I probably won't get it. Since I don't like the idea of a monthly fee and I don't like the idea that it's supposed to be near impossible to be a jedi. What's a star wars game without jedi? I think the developers are making a big mistake with that one. Then again they will probably change it when they start losing tons of money. Oh well.

Actually i think it was a good idea on there part to make it hard to be a jedi. It makes it more realistic. If they let anyone be a jedi then thats all there would be! You'd walk into town and instead of see merchants, pilots, and scum, you'd see jedi knights, Jedi masters, and Sith....

To me it wouldn't be very fun. I'm glad with the way they are doing it. :)

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Guest Boba Rhett

I don't know about you guys, but if I get the game, I'm going to do whatever the hell I have to to be a Jedi.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

The way I understood it was that all Human characters will have the potential to become a Jedi.

Really? Only Human? Well if they are just making it human they can kiss *holds back angry, and resists saying something that will get him banned*

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Guest Dorsk8199

Nah I've heard all the races can become jedi. It's just supposed to take a long time. Like a long time. Maybe a years worth of playing from some of the posts over at the galaxies forums. In my opinion they are just using a "gotta catch em all" approach to star wars. Star Wars Galaxies slogan "gotta pay your subscription fees for a year to be a jedi!". Cool huh?

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Guest Tie Guy

...not really. I'd rather have the aproach that there is a 1 in 100 chance that you can become a jedi. Then , if you've got teh talent you gotta meat the people and pass the trilas to become a full jedi.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

...not really. I'd rather have the aproach that there is a 1 in 100 chance that you can become a jedi. Then , if you've got teh talent you gotta meat the people and pass the trilas to become a full jedi.

Yeah, I like that. It seems more realistic. But then again you are forking out cash to play and you should be able to play as what makes you happy. Personally I could care less about being a jedi or not. I'd rather not be so it would give the people playing a more realistic (for starwars) feel.

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

...or you could only become a jedi after you were discovered by another jedi. that way everybody could have potential, but you'd have to be 'drafted'

Yeah and the jedi that finds you can give you a midichloryon (sp) injection to make you force sensitive :/

I like your idea though.

I know! I think they'll make it so you can become a jedi if you pay a higher monthly fee!!

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Guest Tie Guy

"Uh...I think i left it in my other pair of pants." :D


Anyways, that would be a good idea, but then people would just go around make a ton of other people jedi, and it would get unrealistic.


Which brings up th question, How will people communicate to each other in the game, type?

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

don't know, but the Jedi selection can be made scarce.


for instance: everyone would have Force-potential, but would only be discovered by existing Jedi, and then still at random.

you see, Jedi would generally have something better to do than scout for new Jedi.

Why would you have something better to do? Sure the imps are hunting you but wouldn't you want to expand the jedi order to insure their survival?

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Guest Tie Guy

You'd think so, wouldn't you?



Anyways, I was also wondering if there will be alot of AI people in the game, coz there won't be enough gamers to make it realistic.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You'd think so, wouldn't you?



Anyways, I was also wondering if there will be alot of AI people in the game, coz there won't be enough gamers to make it realistic.

You don't think there will be enough "real" people? How so?

I think there is gonna be a ton of people!!

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Guest Telephius

Um actually to some of us paying a monthly fee is maybe less expensive. Think of it some of us by games lets say every 2 months(more than likely different genres for each game). Well I bought Ultima Online for 54 dolloars Canadian, whuch gives on free month. I could choose to pay about 40. canadian for 3 months of play time. Lets go six months thats about 70 dollars for most games in Canada so thats 70*3=210 dollars but the 40.00(3 months)*2= 80 dollars and the more you play it the more that intially purchase becomes more irrelavant. I mean I don't have exact numbers but I think thats about right. An



For the point that no jedi would want to go hunting for force carrying people to surive, that is wrong one if you are both Jedi why not get one more ally plus people in a MMORPG people tend not to be 100% competitive I mean in UO I got cool arnour just for being nice to someone, even with my thief character people gave me nightshade(used to make poisons) which I could easily use against them.

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I'm not claiming they simply wouldn't or shouldn't scout for other Jedi; just that it should be made very scarce. If you really had about 100 gamers scout for Jedi all day long (which would happen if it became really popular), you would end up with a world populated only by Jedi really fast..


Telephius, since you have UO and have played it, can you tell us a bit on what we can expect from Galaxies ? i.e. what is such a game like and how it works ?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

You don't think there will be enough "real" people? How so?

I think there is gonna be a ton of people!!


Well, seeing as alot of worlds have billions of people, i don't think that there will be enough to fill even one world, or part of one for that matter.

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Guest Telephius

Well I am guessing not everyone will be a jedi since it sounds desirable they will more than likely have restrictions. In UO a guy could be a superb adventurer, lets say the top in swordsmanship, magery, and parrying(do dodge attacks) and archery however for all those thats 400 skill points out of 700 down the drain, and there are a lot of skills. Someone like this is great at fighting others and monsters, however they will more liekly rely on other to provide them supplies. My character is good at fencing(spears/forks), parrying, and archey for my fighting skills. I also have flething, some lumberjacking so I can make my own arrows out of wood and feathers instead of buying them.


As for everyone being a jedi maybe everyone wants to but in UO there are multiple servers(different worlds) which allow you to have six different characters per server that means a person could have a mage, warrior, merchant on one server or put each on on a different one. Also it depends on play style where a jedi may be better at a straight up fight a bounty hunter may be better for using sneakier tricks. Also we are also dependent on our own skills, I mean in Team Fortress a lot of people would like to be a sniper and pick guys off from a distance but not all of us play that class because we are much more superior at maybe a soldier or spy.



I would also say there will be alot of nice people that will give you free stuff or sell you it cheap and there will be people that will go around hunting travelers and being jerks but thats the point of a MMO game to a diverse world. But as in UO they have safe guards so llamas don't rule like if you attack some one that isn't in a no-kill(unless mutual) zone and they are not part of an enemy guild, and you kill the victim then you get a murder count. This means that you are flagged red and of you enter a town AI guards will kill you and in killzones it won't flag an attacker as a murder(plus if he brings your head to the guards he gets payment) and the more you murder the worse consequnces you r character gets when he/she dies like skill loss and item loss, where a good character won't recive that much penalty for dying.






ok I hope I helped will my giant post

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