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Loading Saved Games


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I'm not sure if anyone has had a similar problem to this or if it has been covered previously, but when ever I load a saved game, the blue loading bar appears and once it reaches about 7/8 full it crashes back out to my desktop shutting the game down.


I've met all system requirements for the game, and tested it with directX and the games Analyst tool, passing all of the tests.


It doesn't seem to matter which level it is, it has crashed when loading any saved game files. If anyone might have any idea as to why this is happening I'd greatly appreciate the help.



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I attempted the re-install shortly after it happened on the third loading failure, with no change. I also wrote tech support, and I'm absolutely positive that the games in question were saved.


I'll be anxious to see what tech support has on this. Thanks for replying.



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