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Dual Saber move different in MP?!


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I'm a bit confused by this, I was hoping it was a bug.



Using the dual saber style in multiplayer, against people or bots, I've noticed that when using the "flurry" move(crouch+forward+attack) you become stuck in place and cannot move at all, effectively rendering this move useless. I can understand that it eats up force, that's fine. But why this drastic change from singleplayer? Especially in such a way as to render it unusable, even a liability, in the constant movement of saber combat?


Its not enough that dual sabers, and even single saber, get the extreme short end of the stick on moves compared to the saber staff(for no reason?), but please tell me that this is a bug? Anybody?

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I think they made it so you couldn't move because if they didn't they'd get 10000000000000 emails or so daily about how it's too powerful due to the ammount of whiners there are in the game. it should be like it was in SP!!!


Lucasarts/raven/whoever:red whiners :blue and of corse.... ME: Yellow


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Using the dual saber style in multiplayer, against people or bots, I've noticed that when using the "flurry" move(crouch+forward+attack) you become stuck in place and cannot move at all, effectively rendering this move useless. I can understand that it eats up force, that's fine. But why this drastic change from singleplayer? Especially in such a way as to render it unusable, even a liability, in the constant movement of saber combat?


You also can't do the long jump, pull stab/slash, the spin kick, split kick, you can't spin during the DFA and you can't do the mid-air lunge! (or the choke hold grapple, but I'm still hoping that gets added in a patch since it really was the same as the other two just visually cooler, then there's the flip kicks, and you know the debate on that one)


But, you CAN spin during the katas and Saber Barrier.


The fact is, SP is designed to be challenging in increments (in a "ladder" fashion) meaning you get more powerful as you go on, but enemies also get more powerful (or the game in general is supposed to become more challenging).


In MP everybody has everything right at the start and you thus have a variety of move and powers and weapons all thrown together at once. This is why things are tweaked, balanced, etc in order to face off against each other. AI npc's in single player don't care if it's "fair" their only job is to be fodder for you to do cool slo mo kills on them.


If you played JK2, you recall SP & MP being very different as well. Same team, same approach to doing the two seperate parts of the game.


There's a reason the SP and MP games are different executables.


Its not enough that dual sabers, and even single saber, get the extreme short end of the stick on moves compared to the saber staff(for no reason?), but please tell me that this is a bug? Anybody?


It's not a bug, its intentional, and frankly I have no problem with it. And what do you mean short end of the stick for moves? The Staff may SEEM like it has more moves because you can kick in any direction, but in reality, ditch that (and kicks aren't that powerful, they're a situational use move only, that many don't consider THAT useful) and you have equal arsenals of moves.


Or are you saying that Staff users will win every time against Dual and single users? Obviously that's not the case, it all depends on the skill of the user.


All I can say if you don't like MP, is keep playing SP. Personally I prefer MP. After spending 15 hours playing SP I can see why you're upset that MP doesn't have the same "feel."


But put in another 15 hours or so in MP and I guarentee it'll start to grow on you eventually.



And to answer your question, no the move isn't useless, it just has to be timed differently. I've used it to great effect to get lots of kills. It can be avoided easily sure, but it's far from useless.

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I was deleriously tired when I wrote that initial post, and I will admit that it came from little MP experience with JA. I reacted to it and completely didn't take into account the fact that other styles had similar changes. I actually didn't realize they took that much out of the staff style.


Its a shame, really, I say the more moves the better.



If you played JK2, you recall SP & MP being very different as well. Same team, same approach to doing the two seperate parts of the game.


Actually, I don't remember them being all that different at all, as far as capabilities. Then again I haven't played it since it first came out so I'll take your word on that one. I played the hell out of MP for the first 6 months after release, burned out, took a break, came back a year later or so and got screamed at and kicked for attacking somebody with their saber unlit, using saber throw, and using drain(in that order).


My first, and unfortunately not last, encounter with the self-styled "honor code", heh.


But put in another 15 hours or so in MP and I guarentee it'll start to grow on you eventually.


Well, lets just say I like this game a heck of a lot more than the second, and I was fiercely addicted to MP in the second game. ;) Its already grown on me.


no the move isn't useless, it just has to be timed differently.


I'll work on that timing then. Appreciate the response, it helped put me back into perspective.


So did my nap. ;)




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