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Will it be worth it for me to play?


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I've been looking at different opinions from various sources, and so I thought I'd ask here as well.

First off, I like role playing computer games. I like star wars. I am very excited about the fact that I could participate in such a dynamic, role playing, star wars universe.

Now, here is why I'm unsure about getting into it. I've never played any MM games before, and most of the negative things I've heard is along the lines of all the veterans in the game are going to take advantage of me and there's no way my lowly character will ever be able to catch up and make a living in the universe. I'd just like to hear a few more opinions on this, and if it is worth all the money to start a new character at this point.

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naw thats not really true although i will tell you i have played SWG for about 2 months and about to quit it sucks really right now i would suggest trying something else first. this game should be in a beta right now its got bugs all the time servers are always down exploits left and right and no content... try DaoC i played it for 9 months, EQ or even UO are popular EQ2 is coming out soon tahts supposed to be tight too. i would suggest holding off on SWG for the time being, btw for newbies guilds are a good way to get up to speed they will help u get to ur desired lvl

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Why is everyone so negative yet it keeps on having around 300.000 players. Everyone keeps shouting suck this, beta that etc. etc. but we all do continue to click the launchpad every day to enter the world.


Sure there bugs and still plenty of em but this isnt your everyday run of the mill singleplayer game. It costs tons of work to get it right for everyone.


Offcourse u see lots and lots of complaining about this and other MMO's wich are sometimes truly justified.




What about the other 90% of players you dont hear who havent got problems or are just generaly, like me, enjoying the game as it is and accept some problems now and then.


Just think of it that all software has bugs and sometimes even worse then most of SWGs bugs. At least its playable and has a huge funfactor when u live up to your character.


Ok just had to get that of my chest...

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well its the narrow minded kids who dont really care about quality that make the game ****... sorry to be so blunt. but no i dont think we should pay for it .. why do i ? i payed for 3 months i have 1 left andi f its not fixed i will quit. Also that is an incorrect statement that they havent lost users they have recently. And for the bugs and such if i bought a car and it ran 4 days out of the week i would be pissed wouldnt you.. this is a consumer product so if its on the market yet i damn well do expect it to be better than this.. next thing is they make a patch with like 5000000000000000000000000 changes i am happen to make applications for a big company and i will tell ou when you do an update to a program (in real time, meaning on a monthly basis and so on) do little things at a time not 500million, it leaves less room for errors. Next server downtimes when they did a patch they should have made it server independent why take 23 servers own when u can take 1 down? Next off test center its freaking useless they have no users now put all the users from a common server over there like uo did and boom u will see more people :) As far as bugs, this game isnt just minor bugs. There is LOTS of bugs, i for one will admit it has potential but after reading all the reviews i am not the only one who things this game is one to set on for a year or so before buying...

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ohh and another thing that gets me so ticked off ... they are more worried about screwing the game up than fixing it... why nerf everything thats not hurting game as much as teh bugs are.. they have their priorities set wrong IMHO. I like how a review put it. "How can you even speak of expansions when the game isnt out of beta testing" :)

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@ Lord,


I rest my case. You are right. But on the side what is that bug that drives you to quiting. I for one, although maybe im not on SWG long enough to judge, find them anoying those bugs but will continue to play.


I have lost mission waypoints, about 45k, canisters, weapons, a harvester and so on and so on. truly anoying and even after sending in a ticket didnt get em back. Thats indeed sad.


Maybe its me being an enormous Star Wars fan to see trough it for now and as far as i can see it still isnt as bad as PlanetSide is/was cause ok i did end a subscription on a SOE game before.


But your saying it that way makes me look different but i wont quit my account just yet... ;)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Sony are banking on the star wars fans playing Galaxies. It is an unfinished product and proves that again, money comes first.


Every games have bugs in them but we don't pay monthly fees for those. Someone online mentioned that nearly all online games are bugged for months...and guess who makes those? Sony!


If only they would learn!



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On the other hand if we didnt have SOE we wouldnt experience those huge online worlds the way they bring it cause i have yet to see something so complex as the SOE products.


(Im not refering to Sims Online :( )


Maybe if im months ahead of today i think the same about it. Now i can only agree more in the statements made by you folks. But the fun is not spoiled for me yet so i will continue to praise the game to new SW fan players who ask if the game is worth to play it.

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I am so tired of all you whiners...


I hate SWG it's in BETA still....


I love SWG that is not true...


CRAP either ENJOY the game and PLAY it or DONT!!! But stop being so emotional about it. Everyone is a expert at how to build a game and program it. I only wish they would make there own game so we could play it and YELL its bugged/Exploits Everywhere.




To answer the original posters question.

No it's never to late to start playing SWG, it's set up where you can be a newbie along with Master Players and still have fun and play at your own rate.

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Yes Rado, sorry Rado...


Just kidding. your right. we pay them to do their jobs for us and like paying for a TV cable network you also have the times where nothing is on.


I dont wanna whine anymore and im joining the:


I PLAY group.! :D


Thanks for clearing it out....

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Your getting IT. It's a lot of fun to play and if SWG get old play something else and come back when you are ready. I come to work everyday and log in here(SWG Forums) and read, then I can't wait to get home to play SWG again EVERYNIGHT. I know it's bad and would like my life back but I an SWG ADDICT... I'm going up to Disney for my 1st year anniversary(wedding) and thinking I will not be able to log on this weekend to SWG... What am I going to do??? LOL


I have been thinking I might be going home early today to get a few more points of EXP before this weekend... Yes I think I leave work early and sneak out when no one is looking....;) Dont tell....

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Well time to put my two credits in. I have played since July and am addicted also. I have played EQ for 2 yrs liked it but I 've had more fun in the 2 plus months on SWG. I have had some high level characters help me and i have helped every newbie i have run into. So if you want to start now go for it and look for characters with helper in title. Yes there are some bugs that get really annoying. But over all in a around 250 hours of play I've used no cheats and am close to starting a bounty hunter. I don't like cheats they screw up play and cause problems if it comes to easy people are more self centered and have the mentality that i have to be the richest or I have to become a jedi tommorow. There is also some of that. But overall i have played with and met a great group of people who get into thier characters and are fun. Like Turkey, and Mini ora , itsock and porthus they have all helped me and we've had a great time at 330 am. So yes its worth playing. Yes as a newbie you can start now and work your way up. Yes has some problems but so does reality.:):fett:

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It's good to hear that a newcomer is capable of playing the game and enjoying it without much trouble. Is there any specific server you would recommend for good role playing? I saw a list of them and one was dubbed "unofficial role playing server," so does that hold true? Basically I want to be included in a universe that is mostly interested in having fun, instead of just trying to totally dominate all else and ignore the fact that it is supposed to be role playing. I guess what I am trying to say is, if I don't want to be a super high powerful warrior type, would I be able to survive as an artisan or merchant type of character? The uber-warriors have to buy supplies don't they?


As for all the bugs, I wasn't really concerned with them. I know of all the problems, but the fun of playing in a star wars universe with as much gameplay as I've heard about is worth the chance. Plus, I'm one of those people who tend to think that a few people with bad experiences are the ones that get heard, while the thousands that love it just go on playing and don't say a word.

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It's really fun for a while but it gets old fast. You don't know who's on in your guild unless you have them on your buddy list or they are on the same planet as you. The communication between players should have been more in depth like EQ. You feel isolated from the other players most of the time. When you become your profession..BH, Com, CH...unless you enter the PvP wars nothing really changes.


I was so excited and waited for this game for years. I played it since Beta in April. I'm quitting today. It had so much potential but it's not there yet. Maybe when they work on some of the bugs and goto space this winter it will improve. But right now the game is boring.

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I'm impressed by your detailed response there, stardork.

If you hate it so much why spend time in forums dedicated to it?

Well anyway, if there's any more helpful people out there I'd love to hear from you. I'm still unsure about what server to join, but I think I will give the game a try.

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in responce i think it has gotten worse if you ask me... i am not here to just knock on game i mean it can be th best out there graphics are thight as hell... but my reason for saying its worse is they nerfed everythign if there was something good its gone now... they made rifles basicly pos now they took the good missions out they took good faction missions out they killed the game by nerfs... not to mention he economy is royaly fuk'd up ... i know because everyone knew about the credit dupe weapons dupes factory dupes etcetc... i know people that have almost a billion bux in game... the problem is simply lack of content... player mounts will help ... the land is so big and takes so long to do some missions due to travel time.. also player cities will makeit interresting it might be a good game if they add those and most of all THEY NEED MISSIONS quests or something (ohh and add some more skill points make it where a person can have 250 combat skill points and 200??? artisan or something ... can u imagine being an entertainer? omg they set all day dancing and singing with macros ... how fun can that be :p

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can u imagine being an entertainer? omg they set all day dancing and singing with macros ... how fun can that be :p


Actually it is quite fun. You should try it some time. Maybe your problem isn't the game but your lack to be open about your character and change. Try being a artisan or entertainer or medic or whatever you haven't tryed.


and most of all THEY NEED MISSIONS quests or something


They do have a lot of missions go talk to NPCs practically everyone gives missions. Go try to get your luck at finding the badges. Go explore Endor or something, entertain yourself and try something new. You never know what you might like



I would say Starsider if you like to RP. I just saw so much rping I almost barfed; some people are a little too serious about rping. Also many people help out "newbs" I always look for those non-rebel guys and help them get fp, just helped 2 people this night...uh morning I mean.


Play SWG...and get addicted!!!


Good luck. If you go to starsider send me a tell.



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To answer you, YES. This game has been getting better and better as the months pass. SOE is now on ACT 2 of a on going story to give people things to do if they like. Also don't listen to the one that say the game has gotten worse becuase the NURFS in the game. They are the ones that cry because they can't be a NOVICE Creature Handler using a RANCOR anymore and at launch of the game lots of professions where broken, like Commando, that was really unplayable. Now it's more even between the classes, well besides the BH EYE SHOT 2.

SOE also improved the game menus and the stability of severs and all is looking better and better. I can't wait tell they add Pets Mounts and speeders. THEN SPACE and to see what that is going to look like.

Hope this helps a little.

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