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Character help, Please help!


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i posted this somewhere else because i'm new to this forum, but it belongs here more than where i previously posted it. Please if you can Help Me!


I hope some one out there understands what i am about to say.

I am moding a character. i started out with galak. i re-colored him so that he was wearing a kilt. (don't ask about the kilt). Unfortunatly the best i could do was flanel boxers. so i imported the .glm file into milkshape 3d lengthened galak's little shirt thing and made it look like a full length kilt. i then exported it as a .md3 file doing everything i could find to make it work. i remapped all the skin pictures in the .qc file so they skin would work properly. Then i used MD3view.exe that comes with the editing stuff to export the wire frame as the .glm file that is needed. i used the Modview and loaded the .glm file and it showed up just purfectly. i then ziped it into a pk3 file but every time i load my character, i am playing kyle instead of my modded character. I have modded characters before by simply recoloring them. but this is my first shot at edditing the wire frame stuff to try to make it look completely different. if some one could help me in any way i would love it.

Thank for at least reading this.


P.s. I saved all my files along the way just in case someone would like to look at them or fix them for me!!

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