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Qtracker vs. ASE (JA support)


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I just fired up the new Qtracker (that added JA support) and here were the results:


Qtracker 3.7:


478 JA servers


ASE (All Seeing Eye):


622 JA servers



QT: Free forever.


ASE: Free for 21 days, but technically you could use it forever if you wanted to.



Still much better than the in-game browser's pathetic 30 servers, but perhaps we should email Ron Mercer and see if we can up the count his program displays... ?



http://www.qtracker.com (Qtracker homepage)


http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/ (ASE homepage)

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When you refresh the server list with ASE, it lists servers that were present the last time you refreshed, even if they are no longer active (ping 9999). That inflates the number of servers shown on ASE. Qtracker only shows servers that are currently active. So when I use ASE, I:


1. Refresh list

2. Sort by ping, lowest to highest

3. Highlight all servers with ping 9999 (bottom of the list), right-click and Delete Server. That removes dead servers from the list.


If you do that, I think you'll find that ASE and Qtracker produce similar lists.

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Actually, all you have to do is tell All Seeing Eye to not remember servers from previous sessions. This should be in the options section somewhere... it's how I have mine set, after I noticed that problem.


It'll just suck if their scanner goes down and you have no way to get server names in that rare occasion. That's why I keep lots of favorites onhand... :p



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