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Some very strange things *spoilers*


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Ok, so some strange @ss things have happened to me in game and was wondering if anyone else had these.


1) After the battle on Taspir III with Bobba Fett and you are at the cutscene with Luke talking to the Academy I heard a missle. Just then A Merr-Sonn missle is flying at Luke. Luke uses Push and it flys off. Another time it just hit him and actually killed him and the whole game. Had to do the whole mission over again.


2) On the mission with the swoop bikes if you hit the two guards just right after the checkpoint save you can get an Imperial blaster that you can use along with the one on the swoop bike or your lightsaber.


3) The saber-staff weilding Reborn at the end of the Chandrilla level actually split his staff into standard dual lightsabers. This is the only time I have seen this other than in the video from E3.


So, has anyone else experienced any of these or other anomolies?

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#2 I've known about for ages (works that way in MP as well... Swoop guns, ST Rifle or saber weapons are all you can use onboard a Swoop).


#1 sounds cool, never seen that before!


I've heard about the staff cutting into two sabers, but never seen it in practice...

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