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Porting JO sabers into JA


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I thought I'd start a new thread, because the other saber thread wasn't really addressing this topic and was getting into the more technical aspects of modding sabers.


I just want to know - how do you port JO sabers to be usable in JA, both SP and MP. For instance, to make the Darth Maul saber available for staff.

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:cool: Ahh... it's not that hard... but I'm too lazy to type it all up tonight. Here's my old guide to making sabers (and swords) mod-compatible for Jedi Outcast. If you can do this, you can do the same for Academy. Use the Outcast tools. If you neeed more help I'll elabortae/translate.


Also one last thing, insted of 'w_saber' the .GLM file will have to be names the same as the folder, so the first dual-bladed saber is in models/weapons2/saber_dual_1/ and it will have to be called saber_dual_1.glm.




Before you start:


1 - Modview and M3Dview come with the JK2 tools pack from Raven.


2 - A .PK3 file is basicaly a ZIP file. Program Windows Explorer to open them with Winzip ie click on is and Windows will ask what program to open it with.


3 - Play around with existing PK3 files, unzip some stuff, say a skin, and you'll see how a PK3 is set up.



Make swords mod compatible:


As for how to.. well grab a pencil:


0 - you have to have at lest 3 files: a .GLM and .M3D and an image (jpeg or tga). If you don't, yer screwed.


1 - Make sure all the files you need are in the /base/models/weapons2/ directory.


2 - You need to make a directory called saber_(swordname). Shove everything into that directory that came with the sword.


3 - Open the GLM file with Modview.


4 - You'll see 3 brnches on the right side, look under the Surfaces one. Note down the names that are under the list. In this case it's only "w_saber".


5 - Now create a text file called swordname.skin. Write the name of the heading(s) you just jotted down, followed by a, comma then the NEW path of the image file. I'll look something like this:




Now save the file ion the same directory.


6 - Now open the M3D file with M3Dview. It'll complain that it's can't find the skin, ignore it.


7 - Now select 'import skin'. Chose the skin file you just created.


8 - Now selcect the Export M3D and then Export GLM commands.


9 - Create a little image file and call it w_icon_lightsaber_na.tga. What I usually do is paste a screenshot over an existing one.


10 - Test it out.


Now that's now it works for me, dumbed down so that I can understand it, thanks to White Rider. This is also cool because you can have multiple skins for the same model, ie Gold Katana, Silver Katana, Black Katana.

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