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Command to turn Idle Saber damage on in FFA/Duel?


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I remember by default in Jedi Outcast in MP, an "idle" saber (meaning if you just brush it against your enemy) will do 1-5 damage in a "pulsing" manner.


In Jedi Academy it seems this is no longer present.


I was wondering how to turn it back on in FFA or Duel?


I know there is an option for "friendly saber" that apparently makes an idle saber hurt your teammates, but why would you want that?


I just want it so that if I rush up to somebody with my saber ignited they'll take a tiny bit of damage.


Any help is appreciated...

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I believe it's <g_freindlysaber> or maybe a sv command not sure, but there is <g_friendlysaber> command don't know if thats how you set it on a server.


*edited* It's binary , 0 or 1, but I'm sure ya knew that. It's for people who see thread and want to alter there own server.







*edited*P.S. I'm sure the "Angel" will come and post the command, and when she does, How do you spawn bots randomly, but the bots you choose using /set bot_minplayers 2, so I can have Chewie and Cultist spawn we real people live. Do I have to write a config. file, hate doing that. Thanks in advance CS Angel.

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