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Fight Club


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Welcome to fight club. This is fight club's premier night, tonight I'll go over the rules and tell you about fight club, but there will be no fights tonight. My name is Felix Masters, I'm the leader of fight club. If you break any of my rules your out of fight club.


-The first rule of fight club is, you do not talk about fight club.

-the second rule of fight club is, you don't talk about talking about fight club.

These first two rules are the most important, if you break these rules I'll break your legs, and then you'll be out of fight club.

-the third rule of fight club is, if it's your first night at fight club you have to fight.

-The fourth rule of fight club is, only two people fight at one time.

-the fifth rule of fight club is, if one of the fighters go limp, taps you twice owith two fingers, or turns his back to the other fighter, the fight ends. If you don't stop fighting you don't fight for a week, I realize fights can get out of hand but if you break this rule three times your out of fight club.

-The sixth rule of fight club is everyone has to fight once a week, and may only fight once a week, to earn the right to fight more than once a week you have to win a fight against me, recieve a tatoo, and a scar. When you do all this you recieve elete membership and will recieve weekly assignments which must be completed.

-the eventh rule of fight club is if you want out of fight club you recieve a scar and can never return.


Those are the rules, break the rules and your out of fight club. Break one of the first two rules and I'll break your legs and then you'll be out of fight club.


That's all for today, if you wish to join take an application from the back and bring it filled out tomorow at midnight.


If you have any questions stay until eveyone else is gone and I'll talk to you then.



Fight Club membership application




Sex: (male, female)

Build: (Large, medium, smal)

Fitness: (High, medium, low)

Fighting style: (Specify if any)

Agression: (High, medium, low)

Expertise: (Specify if any)


select one of the options in parenthesis or fill in the empty space.




My character.


Name: Felix Masters

Age: 28

Sex: male

Build: medium

Fitness: High

Fighting style: boxing

Agression: High

Expertise: explosives




Felix waits by the back of the bar's basement as the small group of people head towards the exit picking up thier sheets before heading up the stairs to the bar above.

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