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Actually both accounts are correct. Pikeman get a kick ass area knock down and I'm pretty sure a nice area attack. Swordsman and TKA can do this to with normal Spin Attacks although Swordsmans Lowers Posture and umm chance of blinding or something.


Pikeman freaking blows because all the weapons suck. The Long Vibro Axe is ok but has -55 to all range mods. Also they get less toughness for some reason (just some more shafting heading at pikeman) It is probablly the worst class in the game at the moment. Maybe the new patch with making melee be able to tank like pets helps it out (most likely not, just make more TKA in the galaxy)




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i have to disagree somewhat with Goose's interpretation of the pikeman profession. I just recently took it up as a result of my holocron "speaking to me" and while it may not compare to my previous trade of expert bh in terms of sheer damage dealt, i've been very pleased thus far. i'm currently 1/1/2/2 in the pikeman tree, and can deal out over 1,500 in damage (500+ to multiple enemies) with some of my moves. with a decent weapon (i use a vibro lance 88-293 3.9 speed, im sure theres better out there), good armor, and a pet or two, a pikeman can manage fairly well on there own. and they are always welcome in a big group, as they are an extra target for enemies to go after while all the ranged attackers sit back and relax :D . one thing you have to remember, as with all other melee professions, you are going to take a lot more damage than a ranged profession, plain and simple. but that is why melee professions get big boosts to defense. i know of a couple master swordsmans that are tanks, as i'm confident will be the case when i reach the master lvl.


as far as penalty to range mods on some of the weapons, this is true. however, i think this is a little misleading, as the boosts to speed and accuracy you get from the tree make up for this. it's very comparable to a bh using his llc, which tends to miss often as well. with all that said, it's been a fun change, and there's something to be said about being on the front line of a battle. i hope the dev's will make some changes to encourage others out there to give it a shot. if not, i guess me and a few others will be the lone pikemans out there (at least on the lowca server).



-Former expert bh turned Pikeman


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