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no meaning to gripe


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I'll just yoink this over to the right forum. :)




ok, why the pop-ups and adds at all?


Well, the reason is quite simple: This is the LucasArts Fan Network. It's a huge fan based network of different forums and fan websites for different LucasArts games, all joined together as of late 2001 (I think it was).


The many servers the admins have cost money, and the way they get that money is by allowing Google to put adds up.


These are not the main official forums of LucasArts, nor is it the main and official SOE forums for the game. These particular forums (SWG forums) are the forums for SWGalaxies.Net website.


Hope this clears things up for you all. :)

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sorry it was in the wrong forum, I just know that these ads are annoying as heck, and figured that the banners would make enough money as is.. not to mention the pop-ups themselves get closed instantly where-as that flashing alien-ware ad banner not only gets me to look at it more, and pop-ups just tick people off.

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