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MI5 - Pequel -- Starring....LeChuck!


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What about controlling LeChuck this time around and having him edge out Guybrush. Maybe this game could focus on how he actually became a demon pirtate.


Or perhaps -- alternating control of Guybrush and LeChuck chapter to chapter.


I personally think it would be fun to have LeChuck facing someone terrible who in turn turns him into a demon pirate ----


blah blah blah -- essentially, LeChuck recounting the story of how he became a demon pirate....


thoughts? whimpers? guttural heavings?

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Naa, somehow I don't think controlling Lechuck would be right. I think something like controlling Lechuck or controlling Guybrush's kid would spoil the series. There's a lot of talk about a prequel, but I think if they were to do any prequelling it should be in the form of a flash back and also shouldn't take up too much of the game. We want to see Guybrush PROGRESS people! The story isn't over yet!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Why not have two cd's with the two seperate stories on it,

or what LeChuck does during the other 4 games (tempted to ignore the last game and write 3), like i.e. when not on screen and include the bits that are on screen! And acctually make the game a quadrilogy in one, and have the option to play in a graphics stytle from each of the games, so you could see your favourite scenes from the games in your favourite graphics style! It might take a while to make but it would be well worth the wait when it comes out!



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Im not sure about the controlling LeChuck thing. You would have to support him as he tries to kill Guybrush.

I made a fangame a while ago where you play as Alf, one of LeChucks minions. Nobody liked it because of that.

I also tried to make a movie of how LeChuck was 'killed'. I gave up on it though.

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Originally posted by Jedi-Monkey

Im not sure about the controlling LeChuck thing. You would have to support him as he tries to kill Guybrush.


Things like that have been done in games before, though. In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the second chapter of the game (the game is divided up into four campaigns; one campaign for each race in the game) was where you played the undead, IE the bad guys. And the goal of the entire campaign was to destroy...well, pretty much everything, including a lot you worked to save in the first chapter.


I'm not saying that's a good thing, though -- only if done exceedingly well (as in the Warcraft III expansion), so that you aren't constantly aware that you're the bad guy. I don't think you could do that with LeChuck...we fans have known him as the bad guy for too long.


Personally, I'm torn between being morbidly curious as to what would happen in a situation like that, supporting LeChuck while he tried to kill Guybrush...and running away from the entire idea with my fingers jammed in my ears.

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