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How many of you still play the game?


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I STRONGLY reccomend it to an AoK/AoC player. That was what I was prior to this game. Only an AoK or AoC player can truly appreciate the improvements that LA made on ES's model, and it is a great way to refresh the series for you. This game is essentially AoC and then some, exceed that game in nearly every caterogry (except sales and players). The balance is great, the graphics and sound are better executed and the game has so many more dimensions (air, jedi, sheilds, stealth, power, etc.)

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Haha, I hope you guys still play GBG, as that's why I joined this forum.


I got the game a year ago, and have enjoyed it very much. The only trouble is playing SP gets sorta old after a while, and I have a hard time finding people to play against me. I don't like the Zone, too laggy and stuff.


So anyway, it's an exccellant game, I woudl get it, very fund to play against other people, imo.

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Hi and welcome to GD!


Have a nice and pleasently boring day here at Lf's Galactic Discussion about SWGB.


It's a bit dull right now since a lot of people haven't been here lately:(

A few of us are left and we have just rediscovered the joys of SWGB:p

Anyway, welcome again!

Feel free to post in any thread you want.

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I agree Frozted. I get drawn in by the flashy graphics of newer games, but they just can't beat SWGB for gameplay in my opinion. In fact, I'm so bored right now of the AoM Titans expansion. It's got some cool features but it just plays in a really uninteresting fashion. And until I get Zero Hour, Generals has become too repetitive. SWGB never gets uninteresting or repetitive, in my opinion.

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First, I'd like to say "hi" to all the new people. I've been here longer than all of the regular posters here, and I can say that this forum is no where near as bad as they make it out to be.


Vostok, you should know better than to bring AoM into this. Granted, even I think that the x-pack could and should have been better, it as still good, and the game it is based on outranks SWGB even if the graphics engines were equalized. That said, SWGB was and is better than any RTS made at the time of its release (in gameplay and balance, not originality or graphics), and still beats most games out now (cough....WC....cough).

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I know you love AoM more than is socially acceptable, Sith, but I still think it has gotten a tad boring. Playing SWGB is far more fun and rewarding. AoM just plays way too slowly in my opinion.


Having said that though I did endeavour to play a bit more of the Titans campaign last night, and I'm up to the scenario with Odin's Temple. It is quite fun time shifting buildings :D. Still is there a way to increase game speed? Because I can't figure it out.

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