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JEDI on shadowfire!


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ok how is making a person start a new name to use jedi make it fairer


its not posssible for newer people to become jedi for the reasons that most dont have 4 mill to buy a holocron, most dont have the exp to kill a jedi npc and get a holo, and other people already have stuff mastered


it suks it should have ben done at random

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No! It should never be Random. It should always be a path that must be worked at. It should be as Qui gon said "becoming a Jedi is very difficult, and even if you suceed it's a hard life." That is what makes it appealing to me. When I do become FS, and I will someday, you will never know it because I will live and work in secret. If I do make Jedi master only those I trust to teach will know.




May the force be with you.

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impala! That was an amazing speech, although, i am wondering, i do not have the game yet but i am going to get it and i really want to know if you become a jedi do you always have a jedi initate logo above your head or can you turn it off or to private or somrthing so it doesnt display that your a jedi other wise you can basically never be on the game without getting killed or something, also, when you unlock your force sensivite slot does it make the new character a FS Jedi without any previous professions or does your new character have nothing and no FS and the character you trained up with crummy professions that no one likes have the FS, but it sounds pretty cool if you can go off and train up like hell and become a Jedi Knight or Master then you will be able to go around and actually survive something if it attacks you (if it always does say jedi 'whatever' above your head) but i dont know if it does, can someone please answer me? Thanks everyone

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impala that good and all but since theres only a few jedis per server ull never become one you never had a chance especially when theres masters out there who have the money and power to beat you thats why most never even come close


jedis we chosen because of force sensitivity after that becoming a master jedi was a hard path, in sw you are born sensitive IN ESSENCE RANDOM...............

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That doesnt make sense at all...

It isnt random anyone can be a Jedi you just have to listen to the holocrons right? And what do you mean there are masters out there? Master Jedi? And no one has answered me yet, when you become a Jedi do you always have a title over your head saying Jedi initiate or whatever, does this happen on all professions?




'jedis we chosen because of force sensitivity after that becoming a master jedi was a hard path, in sw you are born sensitive IN ESSENCE RANDOM...............'


What the hell? I dont understand that at all, how can Jedis be chosen after become Master Jedis? in Star Wars Galaxys doesnt everyone have sensitivity with the Force you just need to use the holocrons to unlock the full potential of it, so... actually not random at all...?

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This is what he means.


But first, some definitions:

Star Wars = the "real" universe.

SWG = the game universe


Ok, what he means is, that in Star Wars you are born force sensitive, it is not something you can accuire with let's say a blood transfusion (to get midichlorian for instance) or read alot about Jedi or finding a Holocron. It doesn't work that way :)

If you don't have the connection to the Force to begin with you are pretty much screwed if you want to become a Jedi.

So as he said, in Star Wars it is in essense a random thing. :)


In SWG, however, everyone has the potential to unlocking a Force sensitive character, if only you can figure out how, or if you get lucky. It has to be like that in order for it to be "fair" to everyone.


Personally, putting Jedi in the game was a stupid idea in the first place. Let's keep this period that we all love so much the way it's supposed to be: Jedi free.

And if we want to play an RPG with Jedi, let's go play Knights of the Old Republic. ;)


SWG = wrong time period for the Jedi.

KotOR = right time period for the Jedi.



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This is the right time for the Jedi if the devs make them far less desireable. I think that ALL players should be given the ability to kill Jedi just for having their lightsaber out. And furthermore, it shouldnt be a temporary enemy flag, but permanent outside of your faction. If a neutral player sees a Jedi using the force or lightsaber that Jedi should be enemy to that charector until the Jedi dies. That should not only stop the showing off BS, but also keep the Jedi population in check. It will only take a few deaths for the wannabes who are crying about permadeath to give up their jedi charector. But hell then I bet they sell the password on ebay for 100 bucks :rolleyes:

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