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Politician exp: Any other way?


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I have recently become a politician and set up a City Hall, which is huge but only the first floor is available *grumbles*. I got the 5 citizens and became an outpost and, well, I find myself wanting for Political exp. I was told that when someone votes for you, you get exp and I was wondering if there was any other way of getting the exp.

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It appears at midnight eastern once a week the game verifies how many citizens you still have and how many voted for you. You then get 100 exp per vote and this is the only way you get exp. So if you want a lot get them declared just before the bell tolls for maxium experience.



Mayor of New Hope, Radiant

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Were you online when the time expird and you got exp? I got thrown due to a lag bomb in Bestine. When I got back online I had gained the exp. I might have gotten really luck and found a way around the bug. Good luck and start those CSR tickets.



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Originally posted by xzavian

Planted a city myself. Should have grow last night but didnt. Nor did i recieve any exp (i have 28 - 0 votes).



You have to make sure your citizens "Declare residence" in your city first.


At each voting cycle (7 days) you will automatically recieve a vote from a "registered voter" unless somebody is running against you. In that case, if you have 20 citizens but only 10 voted, the current mayor gets the other 10 votes. If it's a tie the current mayor retains his title. Players don't have to be online for the voting process, it's automatic unles they vote for a new mayor.


1 vote = 100xp.


The XP cap is 2500xp, so 35 votes = 2500xp (yeah it's really dumb).


By the way, a city must have a minimum of 10 citizens or it is considered null in 24 hours. At that point the City Hall is destroyed (not redeeded).

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