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Help, having trouble with my server...


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I have been running my server for about 2 weeks now, and I've gotten down most of the RCON stuff, and the only trouble I've had is with hackers crashing my server (damn low-lives).


I just recently tried to turn dismemberments on by typing cg_dismember 2 as server and G_dismember 1 as player. I realize now that I have messed something up. After doing this, every 10 or so minutes my server would get an error that would crash the server. the error reads-


ERROR: opStack corrupted in compiled code


I have had someone suggest that I clear my servers settings, but I don't know how.


And on that note, to make the forceregen rate go up is g_forceregentime <number>, correct?


Also, I do NOT have the patch (I have ver. 1.02a I believe)

Thanks in advance for any help, I apologise for the length.

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Download and install the 1.04 patch.


You have the cvars reversed.

The server setting is g_dismember x where x is number from 1 (rare dismemberment) to 100 (frequent dismemberment).


The client (player) seting is cg_dismember 0, 1, or 2


Yes, g_forceregentime sets time to recharge force power. Default is 200. 100 means it recharges in half the time (twice as fast).

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