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Help A Returning Player Please

Rodian Crimelor

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I have recently got back int SWG after a break and am realising that after waiting it has become a real good game!


But with all the new advancements im sorta lost:(

Please tell me of any major implementations. I have heard that there a PC Cities and player mounts but dont know many details


Please Help If You Can:confused:

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Yeah I had a few friends that left the game just as I got there. The problem with SWG is that it's great for a while until they nerf something you like or create more bugs. I think these major patches are just to counter the popularity of Final Fantasy and push sales for this time of year and nothing more. Jedi was probably ready to go, but decided to make it public once FFX! was online (not a bad decision).


You can read all the major updates on http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com


Overall if you're an optimistic person you should enjoy the game a lot. I think people that got burned the most were one's that started from the very beginning. I started 2 weeks after Shadowfire went online, so Im about in teh middle now. I don't really have any gripes other than a few minor rollbacks I get from time to tme. The game seems a lot better than when I first stared.

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