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OK, I'm ready to jump in. . .

Darth MarcII

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I've been playing for a few months now and have already mastered/dropped about 6 careers now.


My suggestions




[*] Read the official forums about which profession interestes you the most.

[*] Some species will give you great bonuses to what profession you choose.

[*] You can have one player per server. I have about 4 different charectoers I play with. That's a HUGE plus for this game, the ability to make a new player for fun :)

[*] Humans don't have any bonuses, but are the easist to work with because the can migrate their stats to suit a profession. A sound choice for a new player.

[*] You can migrate your stats right away. Normally it takes 3-5 days before they all migrate (one stat a day).

[*] Depending on the species you choose depends on the penalty you get from the Imperial faction. Twileks pay 1.5, Zabraks 2, Rodians 2.5, and the rest are 3 I believe. Rebels aren't racist, they like anybody :)




My experience.


Wookies - They are fun to play. They have lots of HAM (health action and mind) which makes them tough. The two major downfalls is that they can't wear armor (which is debatable) and get a high penalty if they join the imperial faction. You will have to pay 3x what a human would have to and faction points can be a pain to get. Make good creature handlers, brawlers, and marksmen.


Trandoshan - Can wear all but hand clothing/armor. Strong, have good bonuses to unarmed. Make great brawlers. Also suffer from a imperial cost (imps hate non humans). Make great unarmed brawlers, scouts, and marksmen


Zabrak - My main guy. have great Mind regereation. I'm a Teras Kasi Artist (unarmed fighter) and it works well for me, though they lack in other areas such as strength. They suffer a 2x penalty from the imp faction. Make good doctors and snipers (riflemen).


Humans - Probably the easist to work with. All around player is their strength. No penalty to joining the Imperial faction (oh course), can stat migrate easily. This is probably the best new char to start with. They also have bonuses to artisian experimentation (crafting items) which is good. Most people pick other species later when they make a new char. Make good Artisians, just about anything.



Basically the only one I think would be a bad combo is a Mon Calimari fighter. They are great for crafting and non combatant type play, but lack many of the bonuses other species have. When you choose a species it will show you bonuses to what skills you get. They will help you a lot in the career path you choose.

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