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My Opinion

Mon Cal

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Well personally i feel SWG has gotten pretty far from when it first started. Myabe there is a lot of nerfs, and just now bugs are getting a bit less (not much though). The thing is, u cant go trashing a game like some reviewers did (Gamespot :mad: ).


Also, my only problem with the game is content, there really isnt that much do other that kill chuba or gorgs. I'm a master musician on Gorath (Lasic- my char's name) and i can always keep my self busy with playing music for money or for fun. But there can be room for improvment, such as more interesting missions, which are starting to pop up in some places.



p.s. please feel free to put me down, or agree with me. I would like to hear ur thoughts.

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Yes I agree with you.



What seems to be the norm for SOE is put out a major patch to counter interest in an other (non SOE) MMORPGs like FFXI. Then, instead of actaully fixing a problem (which involves much more time and work) just tune up/down a skill accordingly. I don't disagree with this method, but I don't think it's an answer for many of the problems.


Tweaking or "nerfing" areas of the game should be part of the development, but not the answer. Many people from the Test Servers are pissed off because SOE doesn't listen to their bug reports. Countless reports about player cities and mounts were submitted. I'm sure they tried a quick fix and if it didn't work then of well. They could fix it later and call it a "monthly patch". The DEVs are looking for something just stable enough to release so it looks like they're producing new material all the time. What this game really needs is a massive bug patch that fixes many of the issues instead of waving new "treats" under our noses. Like they say...sugar-coated BS is still BS.


I'm pretty sure that SWG is just the beta for Everquest 2, so really they're putting in enough effort to make small changes in the game, but not enough to truely care about overall career diversity (enough to keep you paying $15 a month). If they truely listened to the suggestions people made, implamented them, and the game ran really smoothly then this would be the best online game I've ever played! But the game has to suck to some degree...how else can they sell their other software titles :)

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