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Mission 1


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I just started to play X-Wing Alliance after not playing it for up to a number of months and i am stuck on the first mission again. I do everything fine up untill i have to land on the Azameen base station. Back then I figured out the key strokes to deliver Pi 3 to on to the landing platform and land and i cannot remember it. Can anyone help me with this? Also back then I could not get past mission 6 i think it was where the selu is desguised as some other ship and we go in to something, which i cannot remember, and we have to destroy a number of inviding razor fighters and I had kept always ended up destroyed when time ran out and the Imperial ships arrrived or too late to make it to the hyperspace nav bouy. :cool::)

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Well Shift-P is pickup, Shift-D is Dock and Shift-R is release. It's going to be one of those.


As for the mission... what part are you having trouble with? You need to blow the Selu away after Aeron escapes, despite the "attacking friendly craft" messages and then kill whatever you can - be it fighters or cargo containers - to get the percentage needed to go home.

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  • 1 month later...

Hallo Zyros, thought I was the last human beeing on this planet playing these missions, but now - nice to see someone fighting thru again. I made notes (first for me, but why not for others) on each mission, so I can replay and doesn't make same mistakes again. I naturally wrote it in german language, but can translate; if you need a solution for some missions, you can ask this way, but my notes are "slightly big" for a message board, don't know if there are others in "outer space", who like to read them too...

You also can send me a direct mail with your questions (frie4u@web.de).


About that mission (4 Revenge, Selu lost): try to hurry up, but send Emon ahead, to get the razors out of formation; take one slowly flying frontal firing, then heavily use turrets autofire (they can fire at longer distance and use no frontlaser-energy!). Try to get your (auto-)target to your side, so both turrets can fire simultaneous. There are 2+2 and again 4 and 5 razors (even some more if you are too good, as long as the Selu is disabled - at the end Selu is disabled by "ghost-hands"). Fleeing and firing manually (destroying one razor after the other) needs too much time, so fast dogfighting is a must.


The Pursuer will head towards you, don't let them shoot first! When the stations voice anounces arresting the Selu, the pursuer should be done with (razors are arriving nearby, not the best moment to have no hands free...).


As soon as Aeron talks about help, you may not command anything to Emon, as he will "forget" her SOS, and missions keeps yellow status.


To get most of the available points out of there, first destroy one container of the left tanker (leaving first), next try destroying groups of same kind (extra bonus), and again the whole tanker (right). Station is invincible at 1% hull. Hm. Better shoot the smaller crafts and as said: whole groups!


Never forget: turrets are firing "for free", and here you need not to fly slow for loading your shields/weapons. You can fly fast along the road and let the turrets do the work (target and F). If you are sitting between lots of stuff, then you should load full and fire weapons linked forward (key X, with energy from shields to weapon if necessary), saving time. Besides: on the CD is a manual with all commands explained, and if you setup your Joystick, you will find all commands with their corresponding keys listed.


Imps arriving? All weapons energy to shields and no loading (full speed), hurrying up to the Selu, destroying on fly by (take energie from your shields instead loading and flying slow!), so it is not difficult to reach the nav-buoy (ok, ties are fast and they can identify big Ottana earlier).


Difficult is to get most of the points, and hard playing Ottanas shields are sometimes a bit low after all that dogfighting.


In simulator (with missiles) I did it hard with 2612/1200, in the tour I could "find my peace" with 2154/ 900 (22 Targets).


Good fighting...

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