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Violently Fractured Waterclosets


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Not really... But I'm back.


Got me a decent job. 2:00 to 10:00 PM, 5 days a week, every second weekend off, sweet-ass benefits and stock options, and $10.00 an hour.


Not bad for a slacker tech support phone monkey for the Canadian branch of a major international ISP.


Speaking of Canadian, anyone else catch that outdoor game between Montreal and Edmonton? Damn good hockey.


I've also been (slowly... very, very slowly) working on my new website. http://www.inmyvan.net


I just finished installing the PHPbb a few minutes ago. And since I know sweet dick all about PHP, I'm gonna have to learn it before I really do anything special with the site. Yeah, I know I can run the forums without knowing it, but old-skool HTML's dead. Anyone know any good books for learning PHP?


Well, that's all from Nitroland. Wait, I almost forgot... My first excursion to the hell-hole I call Toronto happens this weekend... God have mercy on my soul.

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I just saw 5 seconds of that hockey game, I wasn't really interested.


Toronto is not that Evil. After the "Rolling Stones & Friends" concert a friend and I got seperated from the rest of our group and we were left without a ride back, late at night in a huge city we knew nothing about. Eventually, using the Subway, Bus and 5$ worth of Taxi service, we managed to find our hotel (The fact that we couldn't remember the full name of our hotel didn't help...).

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Originally posted by Red Nine

You'll regret it when you get your first "Where's the Any key?"


I've gotten that a few times... It's nowhere near as bad as the ones that can't find their Start button after 15 minutes of me telling them where it is ("It's in the bottom left corner of your screen, Sir.")... Then they find it ("Oh! It says 'Start'!") while I've got the phone muted to bash my head on the desk and get mad cause I didn't give them simpler directions ("Why didn't you just say it was in the bottom left corner in the first place?"). Yes, you'd be hard-pressed to find a worse ISP for retarded end users then mine.


I've been there for a month and a half now... I finally decided on Monday to start compliling a list of all the dumb crap our end users say... Here's a *very* small sample


"There's a bunch of orange sh*t flying around a satellite!"

"Zoned Anti-Norton Virus-Wall Alarm"

"I open Internet Explorer and I get the error!"

"It tells me I illegally operated the program! You're not gonna call the police are you?"




And my fave so far...

Me: "What's the next one in the list, Sir?" EU: "K-Hooker."


It's stuff like that that actually makes it close to worthwhile.

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Speaking of Canadian, anyone else catch that outdoor game between Montreal and Edmonton? Damn good hockey.


I have to say, I'm not a big hockey fan, but this outdoor game really got me interested, especially the legends game that I heard was played before the NHL game. I only heard about it because the NHL failed to seize an opportunity to grab the attention of sports fans, but not necessarily hockey fans, because the game was not televised in America. Idiots.

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Nitro; you allowed to say what ISP you're with?


I've decided to let Cyberus go hang next time I move, due to their FOX-like idiocy.


I wonder what it'd feel like to be less intelligent than a tech support thug. . .


ME: Yes, I've been trying to access the newsserver at news.ott.cyberus.ca, and it's rejecting my password.

TECH1: You probably typed the password in wrong when you created your account.

ME: It's the same account I've been using for six months, and everything worked fine until yesterday.

TECH1: Huh. Well, maybe your connection is too slow and the server's timing out.

ME: But it's the passw--

TECH1: Why don't you hang up and try again. It'll probably work this time.


*try that. Still doesn't work. Call back*


ME: *re-explains problem to a completely different tech guy*

TECH2: Hmmm. Let me check *taptaptappitytap* Hm. That's strange. *tappitytappity* Hmmmm. *taptaptap* It looks like our newsserver is down. Sorry about that. We'll have the server guy look at it when he gets back in.

ME: And when might that be?

TECH2: Next business day, sooo, Monday, I'd guess. I'll put in on a work order right now, okie?

ME: *sigh*

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