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Another Jedi Question?


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Lets face it Jedi are only in the game to sell it to Starwars fans who love the Jedi - sadly too many people just like the idea of being a jedi.


In my ideal world I want to be a Storm Trooper - good career path especially at the rate Darth goes through his incompentent staff! Nice uniform and get to gaurd things!


Here's my question: Should the jedi be sacked off to some remote planet and be forced to train and fight till they reach a standard to let them join the civilised galaxy?


All I say is let the force be with them whilst the rest of get on with our pseudo-lifes

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Lets face it Jedi are only in the game to sell it to Starwars fans who love the Jedi - sadly too many people just like the idea of being a jedi.

Well, DUH!! :D

That's the only reason, cause they simply don't fit in the timeperiod. :)


Here's my question: Should the jedi be sacked off to some remote planet and be forced to train and fight till they reach a standard to let them join the civilised galaxy?


All I say is let the force be with them whilst the rest of get on with our pseudo-lifes

I say, make Dathomir near impossible to leave, as it currently is according to the timeperiod (not according to the game however) and send them all there. :D

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